Anxiety is characterized by impatience, poor concentration, a feeling of helplessness, irritability, being tense and restless. Though this is a normal state of being for many, if the condition becomes frequent, it can prove to be a silent killer by acting as a host for many other ailments. Some of the symptoms of anxiety are chest tightness, indigestion, dry mouth, fatigue, sweating and headache.
There are several natural supplements on the market that are being studied for their potential to treat anxiety. The top 10 supplements for anxiety are:
Special: Feeling Down? Try These Six Super-Foods That Beat the Blues.
1. Vitamin B. Good old vitamin supplements like Vitamin B are among the best anxiety busters. Many of the B vitamins including B6 (Pyridoxine), B1 (Thiamine), and B3 (Niacinamide) are excellent vitamin supplements for anxiety. Known for their positive effects on the nervous system, vitamin supplements for anxiety stabilize the body’s lactate levels which are responsible for various anxiety attacks.
2. Vitamin C. Another effective vitamin supplement for anxiety is vitamin C. It plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of brain chemistry and adrenal glands. With large doses of this vitamin supplement, a tranquilizing effect is brought about that decreases anxiety.
3. Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a vital vitamin supplement for anxiety as it helps in transport of oxygen to the brain.
4. Trace minerals. Some of the best supplements for anxiety happen to be trace elements such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and selenium. An abundance of magnesium and calcium prevent nervous tension. Calcium happens to be a natural tranquilizer while magnesium’s role is renowned in the relief of muscle spasms and nervousness. Zinc on the other hand is a diet supplement for anxiety that generally calms the nervous system. Potassium, much like Vitamin C, is effective in the proper functioning of adrenal glands while selenium is a powerful antioxidant that has proved to have anti-anxiety results.
5. GABA. GABA is an amino acid that acts as one of the best supplements for anxiety. It is found in some fish like mackerel, GABA tea, nuts (especially almonds), other seafoods, bananas and wheat bran.
6. Valerian. It is one of the best supplements for anxiety. Extracted from the roots of the herb, Valerian is an excellent diet supplement for anxiety because it increases the availability of GABA in the brain. Valerian also helps with insomnia and is known to have very few side effects.
7. Kava. Kava is a natural supplement for anxiety extracted from the herb Piper Methysticum. It has been used as a supplement for anxiety treatment after being approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, kava may have adverse effects on the liver.
8. Passionflower or Passiflora incarnate is perhaps one of the oldest natural anxiety treatments and supplements. It’s an ancient folk remedy. Passionflower has mild adverse effects that include nausea, rapid heartbeat and drowsiness.
9. Essential oils. Essential oils of some plants are used as anxiety busters. Oils of rose, nerolis, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, bergamot, geranium, jasmine and lavender are good for this. Lavender is the best and most common.
10. Green tea. L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, is among the best anti-anxiety supplements.
Special: Feeling Down? Try These Six Super-Foods That Beat the Blues.
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