Hunting with dogs in Missouri is part of the state’s time-honored traditions, but there are a lot of rules pertaining to hunting with dogs for various game.
Here are five things to be aware of before hunting in Missouri with dogs:
1. Off-Limits
Several animals may not be hunted with dogs at any time. These include deer, turkeys, and muskrats, as well as minks, river otters, and beavers. The only way to “hunt” deer with dogs is to go shed hunting, which is the practice of going out to find antlers that deer have shed, usually in March and April.
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Hunter Kyle Kenison enjoys this type of “hunting” with his yellow lab. While finding a matching set of sheds is the goal, nothing compares to the quality time that he gets to spend with Luke outside of his family farm, said Kenison,
according to KBIA 13.
2. Identification
Missouri requires that all hunting dogs wear a collar that indicates their home address and owner’s full name along with his or her conservation or telephone number.
3. Training
Missouri hunters that are in training mode with their hunting dogs are allowed to encourage their dogs to chase wildlife; however, this wildlife cannot be taken and only a pistol loaded with blanks can be utilized.
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Keep in mind that a hunting permit is still required if you are utilizing wildlife to train your dogs.
4. Artificial Lights
When hunting certain species with the aide of artificial lights, the use of dogs is required. In Missouri, this applies to hunting for bullfrogs, green frogs, raccoons, and some other furbearing animals.
5. Trespassing
Although Missourians have tried to get a bill passed that allows for the right to retrieve hunting dogs that have wandered onto private property, as of now, it is still illegal to trespass on land that the hunter does not have permission to hunt on regardless of the reason, even if that reason includes fetching your hunting dog.
This article is for information only. Please check current regulations before hunting.
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