Newsmax opt-in email subscribers are Baby Boomers and Seniors who go to for the latest in news, politics, health, finance, and information that impacts them. They like the Newsmax brand. Newsmax news alerts are prepared by a top group of veteran journalists, offering the latest news. Opt-in subscribers open, read and respond to Newsmax emails!
Newsmax opt-in email subscribers are avid watchers of NewsmaxTV, Fox News, CNBC, The History Channel, A&E, Discovery Channel, The Military Channel now called American Heroes Channel, and listen to radio shows like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Back, Mark Levin, and other major influencers.
Newsmax email readers include a high concentration of active business owners, C-level executives, top management, IT industry, veterans, as well as motivated evangelical Christians and Catholics.
Newsmax adheres to the strictest standards of email “best practices,” is whitelisted with all major ISPs and is CAN-SPAM compliant.
Newsmax readers are highly responsive, affluent, high net worth consumers who are seeking health, financial, lifestyle, charitable, and political offers.
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Key Demographics:
97% 45 years and older
67% male
85% college attended, educated or higher
85% homeowners
21% senior management
21% own small business
95% investors who invest in stocks, bonds, etf's, mutual funds
18% invest in gold and precious metals
82% shop online for books, vitamins, software, travel
85% donated to charitable and political causes
30% spent more than $1000 online in past 12 months
41% net worth in excess of $500k
17% net worth $1 million plus
73% pet owners
37% veterans
Summary Description:
Newsmax Email Subscribers read, described by Forbes magazine as a “news powerhouse” and the New York Times as a “potent force” in America media. The Newsmax Email list reaches America’s most affluent and responsive demographic group in the nation, Baby Boomers.
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