The 14th Amendment doesn’t grant automatic citizenship to children born to non-Americans, and he will test the assertion that they do in the courts,
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says.
Trump was challenged by
Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday, who said the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution clearly states that anyone born on American soil is automatically granted U.S. citizenship.
"I think you are wrong about the 14th Amendment," Trump said
"I can quote it. Do you want me to quote you the amendment?" O'Reilly said. "If you are born here you are an American. Period."
Trump said "many lawyers" disagree with O'Reilly's position. "I don't think they have American citizenship."
The process of amending the Constitution is too long, Trump said, so he would prefer going through the federal courts to "find out whether or not anchor babies are actually citizens."
Trump recently complained about his treatment by Fox News anchors, especially two of the Fox News debate moderators, Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace.
The cantankerous O'Reilly made Trump promise he wouldn't "whine" about him after the interview aired.
"I promise," Trump told O'Reilly. "I think you are terrific."
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