The Iran nuclear deal announced Tuesday could end up producing a Holocaust worse than the one in World War II that killed more than 6 million Jews, says talk radio host Glenn Beck.
"For years I have warned the world against turning a blind eye to those who run Iran. They are beyond radical Islamists. They, like ISIS, are psychotic Islamists,"
Beck posted on his Facebook page on Tuesday.
The religious leaders of Iran, like the leaders of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria believe their actions against "infidels" can "'hasten the return of the promised one', and usher in the literal end times," Beck wrote. And while others may not believe their theology, it is important to believe that they believe it and will act on it, he said.
"No one in their right mind would sign treaties with a Christian country that believed these things," Beck said.
President Barack Obama will be remembered far worse than British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who signed away part of Czechoslovakia to Adolf Hitler.
"It will only be a matter of time before millions cry out his name in despair and contempt," Beck said of Obama. "A Holocaust, perhaps bigger than the last, where millions of Christians and even Muslims who are not Muslim enough will die at the hands of the Islamic State."
Beck called it a "sad day for the right of conscience" and the freedom and safety of the whole world.
"It is a tragic day for our ally Israel," he said.
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