Elvis Presley was proud to get his polio vaccine at CBS's Studio 50 in New York City on October 28, 1956.
Actress Amanda Peet is an outspoken spokeswoman for VaccinateYourBaby.com (83% of babies 19-35 months old get vaccinated for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis with four-plus doses of DTP, DT, or DTaP).
And actress Marcia Cross has been advocating for the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine ever since she contracted anal cancer and her husband developed throat cancer.
Unfortunately, most people aren't getting the news about HPV.
It turns out that more than 50% of parents are refusing to give their 11- and 12-year-old girls and boys the HPV vaccine (the age at which it is recommended), according to a survey of doctors published in the journal Pediatrics.
People just aren't aware of the dangers of HPV or how effective the vaccine is for preventing cancers.
A new survey published in the Annals of Internal Medicine reveals that more than 80% of American men ages 18-26 and 75% of women in the same age group don't know that HPV causes not only cervical cancer, but anal, penile, throat, and oral cancers as well.
So ask your doctor about the vaccine and protect your child (or yourself) from cancer.
The vaccine is for all children 11 or 12 years old. Catch-up HPV vaccination is recommended for anyone up to age 26 who hasn't been adequately vaccinated.
If you’re older than that (ages 27-46), ask your doctor if you should be vaccinated.