Feb 15, 2018
Despite my credentials as a card-carrying Progressive Democrat who worked in the Clinton White House and supported Hillary Clinton for president, I have written here on Newsmax.com about why we Progressives can agree with Conservatives and join forces to push back on Big Media.
Oct 18, 2017
Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy is going to bat on your behalf. In a recent meeting between Mr. Ruddy and the chairman of the FCC, Mr. Ruddy told the Chairman to nix this deal because a Sinclair-Tribune powerhouse would further crowd out voices like Newsmax.
Apr 26, 2017
Before decrying Chairman Ajit Pai’s evisceration of Net Neutrality rules, perhaps progressives should consider that it will be Donald Trump’s own FCC Chairman who will allow Democrats in charge of big cable companies to silence some of Trump’s biggest supporters in digital media. What irony.
Apr 24, 2015
Hundreds of thousands of consumers wrote to the FCC opposing the Comcast deal. Independent content providers risked retribution to oppose the deal. And facts, those pesky, persistent, insistent little facts, actually made their way into the decision-making process.
Feb 11, 2015
So we agree on the problem , stagnant wages, income inequality, and diminished upward mobility are killing the American Dream, threatening our great nation. Good. Now let's start debating the solutions.