Nov 17, 2021
In her paper, "The People's Ledger," Omarova calls for an "ultimate 'end-state' whereby central bank accounts fully replace , rather than compete with , private bank deposits."
Nov 19, 2020
The urgency of combating the dangers of COVID-19 to America and the world compels President Trump to waive the law’s conflicting minerals mandate immediately, opening the pathway to a COVID cure.
Oct 19, 2020
Calabria's FHFA has proposed a regulatory capital framework that would move the GSEs out of the government-run conservatorship they were placed into at the dawn of the 2008 financial crisis when the government found them to be nearly insolvent.
Oct 8, 2020
In the decade since President Obama signed into law Dodd-Frank, this supposed "financial reform" has caused harmful and sometimes disastrous effects for consumers, investors, entrepreneurs and Main Street financial institutions such as community banks and credit unions.
May 29, 2020
#NeverNeeded regulations have served no purpose for years and are now hindering our response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to the economic dislocation that enforced social distancing has caused.
May 13, 2020
The potential for faster payments from Libra and other cryptocurrencies, at a time when the public and policy makers are looking to move money faster, may be the biggest draw.
Apr 3, 2020
The proposals of the National Restaurant Association, the main industry trade group, are a mixed meal.
Jan 3, 2020
August 25, 2019, was the 230th anniversary of the death of Mary Ball Washington, the mother of the first president of the United States.