Sep 17, 2014
For all the oxygen devoted to a potential Clinton run, and as inevitable as some Democrats think she is, all the wind is behind Republicans right now, not Democrats.
Aug 27, 2014
In re-reading the January New Yorker interview that President Obama gave, it’s startling not only because the president’s assessment of the Syria situation was so miscalculated, but because it was so confidently delivered.
Jul 31, 2014
They’ve been called the hookup generation, the selfie generation, and generation YOLO (that stands for “you only live once,” for you fogies). But the snark-free, nondisparaging term they prefer is millennials, and they are 80 million strong, the largest generation in our history.
Jul 23, 2014
Some paths are clear. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who insists she isn’t running, is the reluctant fundamentalist, more committed to cause than politics.
Jul 22, 2014
The problem with gun violence isn’t the woman with a concealed carry license at her suburban Target or Chipotle
Jun 19, 2014
Was Joe Biden right? It’s the question swirling through the punditocracy as it debates the latest installment of the can’t-watch, can’t-turn-away reality show, “President Obama’s Very Bad Year.”
May 29, 2014
From Fast and Furious at the ATF to the Pigford fraud at the Department of Agriculture, the IRS’ political targeting to the State Department’s Benghazi mess, the debacle at HHS to spying at the NSA and the DOJ, President Obama is running out of agencies and departments to defend…
Apr 24, 2014
“Move over, Prince George . . . Americans have their own royal , or, rather, presidential , baby to look forward to.”