With news this Thanksgiving holiday weekend that Rt. General Mike Flynn is now cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his Trump-hating leftist prosecutorial staff, and with renewed claims by the president’s lawyers attempting, without any known basis, to claim that all is well in the land as concerns their client, one has to do more than wonder what these lawyers are smoking.
As a French literature major at Duke University, one of the books which greatly shaped my view of life was Voltaire’s “Candide.” In this classic novel, Candide travels throughout South America and experiences one personal tragedy after another. Despite his plight, Candide, the student of the fictitious “great philosopher” Dr. Pangloss, is taught that “all is for the best.” Of course, Voltaire, the first existentialist, mocks Candide and at the end of the work has him dedicate his life to not trying to make sense of the world, but simply “cultivating his own garden” — meaning that one has to give his own meaning to life.
While I am a religious person, and look to Jesus and the Father for ultimate guidance, I agree with Voltaire in this respect. In effect, for a “religious existentialist” such as me, I have come to agree with old proverb that God helps those who help themselves.
And, with regard to the runaway criminal investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, its time that President Trump help himself and not continue to retain and rely on lawyers who apparently are the modern day disciples of Dr. Pangloss.
In this regard, I am talking about attorneys Ty Cobb, John Dowd, and Jay Seculow — all consummate Washington, D.C., “establishment marinated insiders” who, in my opinion, cannot see the “corrupt forest of Robert Mueller from reality trees.” All three of these men, steeped in the ways of the legal swamp known as the nation’s capital, are like court jesters too afraid to read the facts of life of the Mueller anti-Trump jihad to the president, for fear that they will be banished to Trumpian dungeons. More importantly, they are so used to the clubby sleaze of the Washington, D.C., legal community — which for the most part puts its own club membership ahead of the needs of its clients — that they are compromised in taking strong actions to protect the president lest it harm their standing with their fellow swamp creatures in the judiciary and in private and government legal practice.
In short, these three attorneys are not well suited to take these strong actions, given their backgrounds and loyalties to establishment norms.
In the case of Ty Cobb, I remember him during the Clinton years as being the legal counsel who represented suspected Chinese spy John Huang, a man who was placed at the Commerce Department by Hillary Clinton. Huang was widely believed to have compromised U.S. national security by passing classified economic information to the Chinese. Not coincidentally, Huang was also the agent of the Riady family, one of the biggest donors to Bill Clinton’s gubernatorial and presidential campaigns and the owners of Lippo Bank, a front Chinese operation. A true believer in conservative ideology, or Trumpism, would not have run interference for President Clinton and his First Lady during what became the Chinagate scandal, which I helped uncover. Despite being held in contempt over 150 times during oral testimony in a case which I brought to uncover this scandal, Cobb did his best to protect the fallout to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
John Dowd, while having previously worked for Republican administrations, is pure establishment, someone not well suited to have his heart in defending President Trump. And, he of course is part of the Washington, D.C., legal club, like Ty Cobb.
Then there is Jay Seculow, the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). While I like Jay, he lacks deep criminal defense experience. Instead, Jay is deservedly known for his fine work in the religious rights field. Seculow is simply out of his league. And because of this Jay is prone to do what he does best, appear on cable networks such as Fox News making rosy predictions that “all is for the best” when it comes to his president client and the Mueller investigation. Indeed, he gets the “Pangloss Medal of Honor Award” in this regard.
If the president had strong non-conflicted legal counsel not beholden to their standing in the boudoirs of the Washington, D.C., legal establishment, The Donald would have already filed lawsuits over the illegal wiretapping of him and his family by the Deep State intelligence agencies and the FBI under former directors James Comey and before that Robert Mueller, challenged in court, as I have recently done (see www.freedomwatchusa.org), Mueller’s illegal leaks of grand jury information to further harm the president, and taken other strong legal actions to push back on the special counsel’s runaway investigation. This lack of decisive legal push back is dangerous and as the president knows and himself admirably practices, the strongest defense is an offense that keeps the proverbial ball away from the other team.
So the bottom line is this! It is high time for President Trump to now, before it is too late, let Cobb, Dowd, and Seculow go on their own way, and hire strong uncompromised counsel outside of Washington, D.C., who then will wage a strong no-holds-barred defense of their client, unafraid to use whatever legal means are available. Now is not the time for more rosy predictions and best wishes!
Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties. To read more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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