Actor James Woods lit into President Barack Obama on Twitter after Obama's impromptu words on race at a press briefing on Friday.
"When Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is, 'Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago,'" Obama said almost a week after the not guilty verdict in Florida for George Zimmerman, who said he shot Martin in self-defense.
Editor’s Note: Should Obama Use Zimmerman Verdict to Ban Guns?
Civil rights activists have insisted that race played a role in the case and urged Obama to speak on the subject. When he finally did, Woods was not impressed.
"Just curious. Does the president of the United States have any advice for other teenage boys in America? Wounded warriors, for example . . ." Woods tweeted. More than 800 people retweeted him.
He followed that with more:
"ALL youth of every heritage in this country would benefit from jobs and manageable student loans, NOT a bloated welfare state."
"The only reason people lock their car doors when Obama walks by is they are afraid he'll tax them to death . . . " (That one got more than 1,000 retweets.)
"Racial integration has worked in the Armed Forces because everyone has a job, gets training in a skill, and MUST respect the rank of others."
"The race issues in America that have bedeviled this nation for decades could be greatly resolved with JOBS and EDUCATION and SKILLS TRAINING."
In response to other Twitter users, Woods responded, "Though I only have anecdotal evidence, I have personally watched diversity flourish in this country in my 66 years." and "For Sharpton et al, racial disharmony is in part a business. They thrive on discord, while we diverse Americans thrive on harmony."
Editor’s Note: Should Obama Use Zimmerman Verdict to Ban Guns?
As the night ended, Woods concluded, "Well, I vowed if I were ever on Twitter, I would NEVER talk politics. That worked out pretty good . . . "
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