GOP megadonors, including Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, are holding onto their money amid a nasty fight between front-runner Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz,
Politico reports.
Adelson hosted the Republican Jewish Coalition’s spring meeting at his Venetian hotel over the weekend, and his lack of interest in putting his money behind a candidate appeared to be shared by others, according to Politico.
Those who haven't decided to back one of the remaining candidates are opting instead to focus on congressional elections. Florida real estate executive and former U.S. Ambassador Mel Sembler was a Jeb Bush supporter, but said he's putting his money into a local anti-medical marijuana initiative.
The attendees heard polling data that show Trump has historically low poll numbers among Jewish voters, and Cruz isn't much higher, despite an effort at outreach.
Donors are worn out from the fight, according to Politico. Many backed Bush, Marco Rubio and others who ended up falling by the wayside. They've decided to just wait for a nominee to be chosen – and not all are committed to giving even then.
Still, they want to see a Republican in the White House in January.
Former Michigan Republican Party chairman and donor Bobby Schostak said he has no preferred candidate now, "But I will work to make certain that everyone I know, that I can have an impact on, votes Republican rather than sit out, and votes Republican over Hillary or Bernie."
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