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Democrats Struggle to Purge the Pervs

Democrats Struggle to Purge the Pervs
Sen. Al Franken, (D-MN) speaks to the media after returning back to work in the Senate on Capitol Hill on November 27, 2017, in Washington, D.C. Franken took questions from reporters outside of his office in light of the multiple women accusing him of sexual misconduct. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Sid Dinerstein By Tuesday, 28 November 2017 01:02 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

“Purge The Pervs.” You must admit it’s far catchier and memorable that the Democrats' new slogan, “A Better Deal.” And clearly the Dems need a strategy that the public can believe in. So now, in the new Harvey Weinstein era, the Dems can finally become a pro-woman’s party. This time it will be for real, honestly. This time it’s zero tolerance. And just to prove it, they’re going to say less than complimentary things about the Clintons. What more could anyone ask for?

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand started it. She called out Bill Clinton. She said he should have resigned during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Isn’t the Senator brave? Well, actually, no. She’s quite the coward. Every Dem wants to get rid of the Clintons. The Clintons carry more baggage than a freight train. And, besides, the good Senator from New York is running for President in 2020. Distance from the Clintons is essential.

But what about the others? Will Senator Gillibrand demand the resignations of Senator Al Franken and Representative John “Underwear” Conyers? Will the senator demand that James Carville apologize to Paula Jones for his “trailer park” insult? Will she demand that the DNC apologize to Special Prosecutor Ken Starr or whistleblower Linda Tripp? Not exactly, not exactly, and not exactly. So what is going on here? The reality is that Senator Gillibrand has not changed her attitude towards female victims. She just figures she can pile on to the expendable Clintons while keeping the more valuable Franken and friends as allies. Not only that, but she can try to eliminate Hillary as a primary foe knowing that Franken has eliminated himself. The good news for Senator Gillibrand? Her name recognition has never been higher. The bad news? She will never get the nomination from the Democratic Party. Every Clinton supporter sees through this thin veil of ambition. And they will repay this hypocrisy at the presidential primary polls.

So Senator Gillibrand is now ahead of the “fallen” Senator Franken. But being smarter than the average Republican, Senator Franken has pretty much guaranteed that he will keep his job. How? By calling for the ineffective Ethics Committee to meet, knowing that ultimately he’ll get a meaningless slap on the wrist. Every Democrat will continue to be silent. And so will most every Republican. They don’t call us the stupid party for nothing.

But the Dems think they’re serious and we’re cynical. So I say: “Take the test.” To truly become the “Purge The Pervs” party, try these: First, give Bill Clinton the Bill Cosby treatment. Get as many VOB’s (Victims Of Bill) as you can find and a team of the smartest lawyers and pierce the Statute of Limitations laws that Bill hides behind. Then use the parallel civil suits to take away all of his money. No more free passes. And then do the same to the Kennedys. Follow that with a boycott of The New York Times, for printing the Gloria Steinem op-ed piece, and The Washington Post, for hiding JFK’s serial adulterous behavior as president. That will convince the public that the Dems are serious. Anything less is just political expediency. After all, if we can blow up statues of Democrats who were on the wrong side of history 150 years ago, we can bankrupt media conglomerates who were on the wrong side of history 150 days ago.

So how did we get here? How did we go from a wink and a nod to a serious scowl when discussing the battle of the sexes; in warp speed, no less? The answer: Donald Trump. In December 2015, Hillary accused Candidate Trump of essentially being a serial womanizer. But Donald Trump is not George Bush, John McCain, or Mitt Romney. Donald Trump fights back. He destroyed Hillary’s accusation, narrative, and campaign with one single word: Enabler. She was toast. And then there was the second debate where Donald Trump “reunited” Bill Clinton with four VOB’s in front of the whole country; real victims with real lives and real stories. The country could look away no longer. Bill Clinton could no longer be part of polite company. Hillary Clinton could no longer blame the victims.

When the Trump era is over the historians will battle for decades over what it meant. But, you heard it first here, nobody has done more to empower women, and disempower bullies, than Donald Trump.

Sid Dinerstein is a former chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican Party. He founded JBS Associates, a 600-person financial service company, and currently combines politics and business with Niger Innis in Inclusive Elections LLC, a firm that brings urban electorate voters to the GOP. He is the author of "Adults Only: For Those Who Love Their Country More Than Their Party." For more of his reports, Go Here Now.

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When the Trump era is over the historians will battle for decades over what it meant. But, you heard it first here, nobody has done more to empower women, and disempower bullies, than Donald Trump.
democrats, gillibrand, franken, conyers, misconduct
Tuesday, 28 November 2017 01:02 PM
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