Clarence McKee's Perspective: One would think that the appointment of Congressman Tim Scott, R-S.C., to the United States Senate would be met with praise and applause from the liberal and black community — the first black Senator from the Deep South since reconstruction.
Raised by a mother who worked two jobs, he told The Wall Street Journal that he “was a kind of an oddball. Had three pair of pants and two pair of shoes. And you know, you rotate them and you got made fun of . . .”
Tim Scott (right) leaves the weekly Senate Republican Policy Luncheon with Sen. Jim DeMint.
(Getty Images)
He spent several years on the Charleston County Council and served a stint as chair. He is now on his way to the world’s most “Exclusive Club.”
Another irony is that Charleston was the major point of entry for slaves in the eighteenth century — approximately three out of four came to America through its port. It is also where the first shots of the Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter.
Given this history, Scott’s historic first should be celebrated like the election of Barack Obama as the first black president — a great example of what one can do in America.
Not quite.
Obama and Scott are black and historic firsts. But, Obama is a black liberal Democrat. Scott is a black conservative Republican.
While Obama is revered and made almost “God-like” by black and white liberal political and media overlords, you can be sure that they will make Scott out to be the “devil in disguise.”
Jesus was crucified because his teachings challenged traditional religious institutions and practices making enemies among the religious and Roman elite.
Centuries later, lynching was used to terrorize blacks and maintain the white supremacist social and political order. Later, beatings, church bombings and murder were used to keep blacks from participating in the political process.
Today, it is not Roman soldiers driving nails into ankles and wrists or white supremacists tightening the noose around the neck — it’s black and white liberals and their friends in the media and academia.
They drive the nails and tighten the rope to crucify and lynch any black conservative Republican like Scott who dares challenge the orthodoxy of liberal establishment traditions.
They judge blacks like Scott not by the “content of their character,” accomplishments and deeds; but rather by the racist perspective of the color of their skin and political viewpoint.
As Scott recently said, “one of the most threatening places to be in politics is a black conservative.” This same thought is echoed in terms of the Republican Party establishment in the very excellent DVD
“Fear of a Black Republican.”
In reality, it’s racism!
These “overseers” don't denigrate Jewish, Italian, Hispanic, or other politicians who happen to be conservative — that's reserved for blacks like Scott.
It has already begun.
The most recent example and probably the first shot came from black academic Adolph Reed who wrote that Scott is “. . . utterly at odds with the preferences of most black Americans” and that black Republicans like him “. . . have been more of a token than signs of real progress.”
Scott should get ready for more to come.
Even more disturbing is that Reed and the other shock troops for such vilifications are usually other blacks. Their goal: muzzle diversity of political viewpoint in black America. Their white liberal cohorts say “right on, go for it — give us credibility and cover so we can follow and not be called “racists.”
Unlike other ethnic groups, such blacks enjoy the “political blood sport” of tearing down other blacks just because they have different political philosophies and solutions to our country’s problems. They forget one thing — no one respects those who do not respect their own!
Other groups — at least in public — respect their own.
Unfortunately, blacks — for whatever reason eat their own. For example:
- Hispanic Democrats don’t demean Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., or Governors Brian Sandoval and Susan Martinez — or call them “tokens” because they are conservative Republican, or not the “right kind” of Hispanic?
- Democrats of Indian ancestry don’t call Governors Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley “traitors” because they are conservative Republicans; and,
- We don’t see racist or ethnic jokes, cartoons, or vicious comments about Hispanic or Jewish Republicans in the media as we did with Condoleezza Rice, Mia Love, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, and others.
You can bet that there will be no plaudits for Scott’s historic appointment by the Congressional Black Caucus, most black journalists, the NAACP, and other black liberal groups and pundits as they would have given Scott if he were just another liberal black Democrat.
Of course, such blacks and their white liberal “bigots of thought” would never call themselves racists.
But, they are like the lynch mobs who cheered while watching a black swinging from a tree. They didn’t put the rope around his neck, but they relished seeing him twist slowly in the wind teaching others a lesson — don’t stray from the plantation! By not condemning such attacks, they give approval by their silence.
By the way, don’t hold your breath waiting for the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, most black journalists and pundits to praise the Scott appointment or condemn vicious attacks.
In fact, I bet they are trying to figure out how and when to join the mob.
Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political and media relations consulting firm in Florida. He held several positions in the Reagan administration as well as the Reagan presidential campaigns, including Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation. He was also appointed chairman of the District of Columbia Reagan-Bush Campaign and he chaired the District of Columbia Delegation to the Republican National Convention in Dallas. Contact him at Read more reports from Clarence V. McKee — Click Here Now.
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