The coronavirus has shown the vital necessity for presidential power to commandeer industries in service to the nation. The use of police powers supplements this and allows government to further isolate and contain populations in the event of contaminations or spread of infectious agents. Now over 40 States have embraced this need.
President Donald J. Trump deliberated the many dimensions of the pandemic, but also understood that one has to measure the risk/reward of the economic realities which must be considered. Appropriating and identifying businesses for production of masks, respirators and other personal protective equipment (PPE) under the Defense Protection Act was used rather than the executive order (as President Barack Obama employed) giving the president authority to take control over national defense resources in times of emergency.
This sidesteps a potential constitutional quagmire even though we are engaged in war of a different sort. The need to save us as a republic, which is both democratic and capitalistic, is paramount.
Give the president some slack, for we are on unchartered ground. In 2005 George W. Bush, a man many thought inept, foresaw the possibility of a pandemic in his visions for the Department of Homeland Security. His report on the need to ramp up our capabilities in vaccine production, stockade hospital supplies and other on-point advice was unheeded, likely due to other national priorities. We may have been unprepared initially, but we were not unaware that this day was coming.
The personal discomfort of self-imposed isolation and restrictions of movement to mitigate disease spread, as well as limits on vital activities such as going to the store or personal face time and contact with friends or enjoying the outdoors, will bring pain to many.
Religious prayers are always needed, but in this framework outliers must render unto G-d what is G-d 's and render unto Caesar (government) what is his. There is more to come, for this is far from over.
The economic disruptions which are occurring will change the nature of education, jobs and money as a tool for interaction.
Jobs which were often snubbed as grocery clerks and Walmart stockers are some of the few which are sustainable to a certain extent. Fast-food rocks, as do take-outs and drive-through. Frontline personnel such as EMTs, nurses and doctors who are not compensated as athletes or actors are now getting there due as rock stars.
Don't forget how critical are the funeral services and the implications of the need for cremations to limit unnecessary risks. Let's hope they survive it. When it slows down let us reevaluate compensation in terms of value to society.
Education must of necessity turn more online for all children lest they be left out and left behind the curve. North Carolina, under Lt. Gov. Dan Forrest's leadership has led the move to K-12 internet hookups. Kids must increasingly ask why they are paying for fancy degrees if the internet can do it cheaper. This begs the question and demonstrates that the FCC must make the internet free for all citizens lest they be isolated and suffer in digital isolation. This has implications for online voting.
Money will never be the same again. Watching the cars piled up at banking institutions drive-through stations to complete transactions, it is clear that drastic changes must happen in the financial sector. While requiring direct deposit for federal employees is seemingly part of the answer, the number of times their computers are down and their vulnerability to hacking should give us all pause for concern.
The ante for individuals must be upped if this isolation lasts more than two months. Money should go to citizens, per the census, tax free — which would also reveal who is here so that we may better plan for our future.
The political front says Trump's view of the world and previous attempts at globalization may just be right. Putting citizens first should bring jobs back to this nation and prevent us being held captive to others who can't protect us.
Globalization as a philosophy must die, for we need sovereign borders. Retention within our borders of industries critical to our national security, and personal integrity must be a priority. No nation is allowing open borders as was being loudly advocated in this country. People worldwide should now realize that immigration reform must not eliminate the need for health screening of all entrants within parameters that all understand.
Ada M. Fisher, MD, MPH is a licensed teacher, retired Corporate physician, former county school board member, speaker, , author of Common Sense Conservative Prescriptions Good for What Ails Us Book 1 (available through Amazon. Com) and is the NC Republican National Committeewoman. Contact through To read more of Dr. Fisher's reports, Click Here Now.
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