Though many are lamenting the lack of women in elective office in the U.S., the cardinal rule of politics here is golden, i.e. ye who can raise the money is too often the one to be seen and heard.
This quid pro quo is the norm in politics, and women are often counted out because they fail to raise sufficient funds or they can’t get media attention based on issues which pinpoint the heart strings of what the majority feels and considers most important.
Nowhere is this more significant than in the 2020 presidential election.
The Republicans unfortunately chose up sides before primaries were held, giving the incumbent Donald Trump an unprecedented leg up on any potential challengers.
This belied the concept that anyone should be able to run for president.
But if one likes what one sees, why bother wasting ones time looking elsewhere when the prize is right before you.
Trump was right on many issues before they became obvious to the general public.
Democrats have done a poor job of capturing the mood of the country by focusing on as their sole mission the ouster of Trump — at all cost.
In a crowded platform of mediocre talent, many of whom might not normally be considered presidential timbre, a few stars emerged via issues of the constitutional role of government, however, this was overridden by an overwhelming urge to be all things to all people — regardless of who pays the bill.
The Constitution clearly states that the judiciary, national defense/security, commerce, and taxation powers are roles for government. The bloating of the general welfare is not enumerated and has seen forays into education, social welfare, health, and issues of child and family.
Nowhere is such welfare delegated to the role of the federal government but, per the 10th Amendment, lies with the states.
If the Democrats hope to unseat Republican rule then they have to be bold and show a stroke of genius that is thus far removed from sight.
In this the month for women, the vice presidential role being filled by a woman is long overdue.
Of those who entered the race, Sen. Amy Klobachur, D-Minn., demonstrated political chops in debates. She would bring much to a ticket. However, given the overwhelming support of blacks for his race, Biden would be pressured to pick such a woman as vice president.
Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., seems ready to bite the bit, but given her personal attacks on Biden, he has to ask himself who do you trust and who can you ultimately trust.
Former Georgia State Senator Stacy Abrams though blessed with a Yale law degree still lacks substance many would consider worthy of a possible assumption to the rank of president.
Thus, color alone does not justify a right fit.
A dark horse Democratic vice presidential candidate should be New Jersey’s 11th District Congresswoman, Rebecca Michelle "Mikie" Sherrill, who greatly bespeaks presidential timbre. Sherrill is the mother of 4, a former lieutenant commander and Navy helicopter pilot, and prosecutor. She is abundantly qualified in the areas of economics and Russian.
She captured the majority of votes in a district previously won by Trump, and she represents a needed focus on the future rather than a retreat to policies of the past. Policies which which made up the creeping socialism of Clinton, Obama — and others — who want to continually give more than is taken in.
The best Republican for emergent poltical battles is former South Carolina Governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley — though some may find her a little less-than-conservative for their tastes. Her tenure as governor, successful service as the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., and her ability to quell emerging storms of race and heartfelt compassion has won her praise domestically and globally.
With the Corona virus fiasco, one couldn’t help but wonder how she could help handle this. And don't forget the queen of the Golden Rule, RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel who has rewritten the rules on political fundraising.
As one watches 73-year-old President Trump and the gaffe prone former Vice President Joe Biden, their memory lapses give one pause as do the age of many Supreme Court Justices. Can they successfully serve out their terms? Why is a woman not in waiting?
Reagan survived, so we as a nation have to ask, will they?
Ada M. Fisher, MD, MPH is a former Medical Director in a Fortune 500 company, licensed teacher, retired physician, former county school board member, speaker, author of Common Sense Conservative Prescriptions Good for What Ails Us Book 1 (available through Amazon. Com) and is the NC Republican National Committeewoman.
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