We all know that NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is in the news because of weapon assistance to Ukraine during Putin’s war. But how much do we know about its plans to control human brains?
Since 1949, NATO summits have been held annually (or convened periodically to address pressing issues) for Heads of State and Governments of member countries to evaluate and provide strategic direction for Alliance activities.
The organization’s direction took an interesting turn in 2013 when former French military officer François du Cluzel helped create the NATO Innovation Hub, which he has since then managed from its Norfolk, Virginia, base. The Innovation Hub is sponsored by Allied Command Transformation and described as “one of two Strategic Commands at the head of NATO’s military command structure.”
Then in 2016, NATO — along with the EU — concluded a Technical Arrangement on Cyber Defense to help both organizations better prevent and respond to cyberattacks. Until that time, focus had been on attacks by land, sea, air, and outer space.
All of this previous activity has been viewed as logical for mutual defense purposes.
Lately, however, it may be disturbing news that along with preparing against the previous five potential attacks the U.S.-led NATO military alliance has been testing drastically different-oriented modes of hybrid warfare against self-declared adversaries — thus moving from cyberattacks to include cyber warfare — and more: economic warfare, information warfare, and psychological warfare.
Note that the last two on the warfare list belong in the realm of cognition rather than that of physicality.
Now, we get to the potentially alarming present: Along with the development of these five new warfare strategies, the military alliance is discussing a new, sixth level: the “human domain.”
This recent form of combat has aptly been branded “cognitive warfare” and is described as the “weaponization of brain sciences.” It involves “hacking the individual” by exploiting “the vulnerabilities of the human brain” in order to implement more sophisticated “social engineering.”
As a 2020 NATO-sponsored study of this new form of warfare clearly explains:
While actions taken in the five domains are executed in order to have an effect on the human domain, cognitive warfare’s objective is to make everyone a weapon. . . . [And as] global conflicts take on increasingly asymmetric and "grey" forms, the ability to manipulate the human mind employing neurocognitive science techniques and tools is constantly and quickly increasing. This complements the more traditional techniques of manipulation through information technology and information warfare, making the human increasingly targeted in the cognitive warfare.
Also, in 2020, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation asked NATO Information Hub manager du Cluzel to conduct a six-month study on cognitive warfare.
Subsequently, when summarizing the results of his study, DuCluzel described cognitive warfare as “A Battle for the Brain” and pointed out that since everyone has a cell phone, cognitive warfare overlaps with Big Tech corporations and mass surveillance because “it’s all about leveraging the big data. ... We produce data everywhere we go. Every minute, every second we go, we go online. And this is extremely easy to leverage those data in order to better know you and use that knowledge to change the way you think.”
The entire 45-page report was published in January 2021: Click Here
The purported reason for doing all this rather dicey research into methods for mind manipulation is offered by NATO members as being necessary because they could be used by enemies (China, Russia, etc.) to set populations of NATO countries against their own nations.
Therefore, the reasoning continues, NATO countries must be knowledgeable about mind-manipulation methods in order to protect their citizens against such mental attacks. In their information posts they do acknowledge that NATO, itself, could also use these cognitive warring tactics to mentally disarm their adversary’s populace as well.
We must assume that NATO is not the only body studying and perfecting mind manipulation methods and agree that enemies of western civilization in general are without doubt on the same path either for defense or domination purposes.
But we also need to recognize that NATO countries could use these same mind manipulation methods to control their own populations.
The lesson from all of this for individuals the world over is to remember that reason is the survival tool for human beings everywhere — non-contradictory thinking.
Emotions are automatic brain responses to stimuli perceived as positive or negative, but emotions cannot save anyone from vulnerability to mind manipulation; in fact, emotions facilitate susceptibility to it. A rational mind cannot be manipulated, which is why every tyranny in history has physically imprisoned or destroyed dissenters to their dictates.
Ergo: We each, individually, must discover and observe what is actually going on both socially and politically in today’s volatile world. Then, we must think and judge independently to resist shackles on both mind and body.
No perceived or fabricated group can do this for anyone. Informed rational individuals can and should band together to fight for shared values and never hesitate to repudiate those who collaborate or submit.
Furthermore, we need comprehend this: No form of tyranny is merely political. Every dictatorship must own the entire culture — education, entertainment/edia/art, leisure activities, work responsibilities, personal/social/community/employment associations, and so on.
Currently, America’s sworn enemies — China, Russia, Iran, etc. — are not alone in wishing to destroy western enlightenment ideas of liberty, reason, individualism, and (true) science, the philosophical foundation upon which America was built.
Power lustful “leaders” and “elites” right here in the United States of America — in government, business, education, and so-called philanthropy — are already threatening not only the sovereignty of our country but also the sovereignty of each of our very own souls via education, media, unbridled illegal migrant invasions, and more.
Reason and resistance are our retaliatory weapons. We who use reason and employ resistance stand on the high moral ground of liberty for each and for all. We must stand proudly and loudly. Now.
Alexandra York is an author and founding president of the American Renaissance for the Twenty-first Century (ART) a New-York-City-based nonprofit educational arts and culture foundation (www.art-21.org). She has written for many publications, including "Reader’s Digest" and The New York Times. Her latest book is "Adamas." For more on Alexandra York, Go Here Now.
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