Who Pays for Hate and Brainwashing? Children

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A security fence separating Israel from the West Bank of Jordan — Judea and Samaria. (Dreamstime) 

By Wednesday, 19 February 2020 01:33 PM EST ET Current | Bio | Archive

The following op-ed was co-authored by Harold Brackman 

According to a new report by a coalition of NGOs, an estimated 10,000 children are trained in Hamas’ terrorist camps each year, and at least 160 have died digging terror tunnels into Israel. Those statistics alone should ring alarm bells about generational child abuse of Palestinian children.

But that’s not how Rep. Martha McCollum, D-Minn., sees it.

Her U.S. House The Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act — seeks to protect Palestinian children from Israelis, not Palestinian adults, among them terrorists. Barring an unforeseen miracle, another generation of kids will be brainwashed in school by war curriculum and trained to spend their summers learning how to shoot with live ammunition or filling booby-trapped balloons with explosives targeting Jewish kindergartens, fields and nature preserves:

UN Watch identified 40 Palestinian teachers who use Facebook to encourage their students to model themselves into the next generation of Palestinian terrorists.

Here are just three examples:

  • Ghanem Naim — whose students venerate as "Dear Professor" —posted pictures of Hitler identified as "our beloved" and "Hitler the great."
  • Teacher Khader Awad indoctrinates his students with an image of a Jew with three guns and a knife trained on his head over the Hebrew caption: "Blood = Blood. #Kill Them."
  • A post by senior UNRWA teacher Mohammad Alsayyed praised the "awesome kidnapping" of three Israeli teenagers killed in a Hamas terrorist operation which precipitated the 2014 Gaza war.

For years, such teachers were largely funded by hundreds of millions of American dollars and international largess given to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) to care for "Palestinian refugees," chief among them hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children enrolled in schools where they supposedly receive “a modern secular education.” Instead of leading refugees to a normal life UNRWA bestows refugee status on generation after generation of Palestinians preaching the dead-end "right of return" to democratic Israel, today home to over 9 million citizens, 20% of whom are Arabs.

President Trump tried to break the cycle of abuse by cutting off UNRWA funding. No problem, Germany, Japan, and other democracies increased their financial contributions without any demand for transparency or accountability.

How about Palestinian NGOs?

Here are the facts:

Brad Parker, an CUNY Law School adjunct professor serves as “point man” for the Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-Palestine). Parker tirelessly distorts international law and uses anti-Semitic canards to defame Israel for mistreating Palestinian children who, in fact, are being brainwashed and trained as "child soldiers" often with their own parents’ complicity or acquiescence.

For the past two years, Palestinian kids were often sent out to try to overrun Israel’s international southern border, as Hamas hoped Israeli soldiers would shoot them down and be convicted in the international criminal court and the court of public opinion for "crimes against humanity."

Rep. McCollum meanwhile has been strangely silent about such crimes as 16-year-old Morad Abdullah Adais who broke into the home of Dafna Meir, mother of six children 4 to 17, in the town of Otniel, armed with an eight-inch knife.

Adais stabbed Dafna Meir multiple times, bragging about the heinous crime later.

Rep. McCollum also turns a blind eye to the mistreatment of Sudanese children blown up in that country’s civil war or Afghani children made into sex slaves by Taliban warlords or the abused offspring of Yazidi women raped by ISIS’ Caliphate in Iraq and Syria.

All these outrages involve Muslim-on-Muslim child abuse.

Hamas doesn’t even try to hide its criminal strategy of exploiting children for military purposes. A televised video is available for anyone to see of Palestinian children from ages of 3 to 5 dressed like suicide bombers, and those between the ages of 10 to 13 vowing a death wish, while those the from the age of 14 preparing for suicide attacks, sometimes wishing farewell to their beaming parents.

Rather than prepare for religious confirmation, Palestinian girls now are filling with petrol lethal balloons to reign down death from Gaza on kindergartens in southern Israel.

It is Palestinian haters of Israel — not the Israelis — who mis-educate Palestinian children by turning them into human weapons. Let us pray for the children and pray that G*d stops those who prey on childhood innocence to torpedo any hopes for true peace and reconciliation for another generation.

And who pays the price? The children of Sderot, of Gaza, of Judea and Samaria.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper is the Associate Dean, Director Global Social Action Agenda at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading Jewish human rights organization. Abraham Cooper has been a longtime activist for Jewish and human rights causes. His extensive involvement in Soviet Jewry included visiting refuseniks, helping to open Moscow’s first Jewish Cultural Center, and lecturing at the Soviet Academy of Sciences and the Sakharov Foundation. In 1977, he came to L.A. to help Rabbi Marvin Hier found the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and for three decades Rabbi Cooper has overseen the Wiesenthal Center’s international social action agenda including worldwide antisemitism and extremist groups, Nazi crimes, Interfaith Relations, the struggle to thwart the anti-Israel Divestment campaign, and worldwide promotion of tolerance education. Widely recognized as an international authority on issues related to digital hate and the Internet, Rabbi Cooper was listed in 2017 by Newsweek among the top most influential Rabbis in the United States. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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An estimated 10,000 children are trained in Hamas’ terrorist camps each year, and at least 160 have died digging terror tunnels into Israel.
hamas, gaza, samaria, judea
Wednesday, 19 February 2020 01:33 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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