Though many races for Congress were close and some still remain uncalled for the 2018 midterms, much seems missed in the media analysis as well as appraisals by both parties.
Some might believe that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court as well as the South American migrant caravan seeking entry into the U.S. were major factors in the Republican fortunes, but that might be too simple.
Turnout is the key to any election success but such must be braced by overarching issues of importance to the welfare of the nation. President Trump made the elections about him both in his advocacy for certain candidates as well as his rhetoric. But missed by too many was the religious pulse pulling at the hearts of many pronounced as “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton and those who have pushed aside personal beliefs for self-pleasure and decadence allowed by "New Age" philosophies.
Rev. Charles Stanley repeatedly asked in his Sunday message, “Who will stand with God?” Without conflict, many are trying to find their way back to their religious roots where marriage is seen as between one man and one woman, the unborn are revered, God is the center of their lives and authority of children rests with the family, not the government. Witness the winning candidacy of Rev. Dr. Mark Harris in NC-9th where millions of dollars were thrown against him citing his sermons in this regard.
The rebellion against a globalist vision is just getting started and self-proclaimed Trump nationalists want to put the nation and its citizens first. Such does not make them “white nationalist” but places them in a protectionist mode favoring citizens, not those demanding this nation share its wealth or create space for those wanting economic opportunity rather than seeking political asylum via assimilation into a national ethos. It is this drive which led North Carolina’s passage of four pieces of legislation which do just that including requiring voter identification to vote while providing free acceptable ID cards for such. This fuels anti-open borders concerns which will continue to be a defining issue for 2020. This also wouldn’t possibly allow more than 200,000 votes by illegals such as being cited in Florida. Every vote of citizens is important and shouldn’t be diluted by those with no legal right to be here.
The failure of the black vote to deliver resounding victories in key areas misses an important reality — the growth of Hispanic and the Latino community continues to have a negative impact on our electability. Coalition building sounds good but will it work when different groups are at odds for a comprehensive vision which will lift all boats? The Democrats have not delivered and the Republicans aren't focused on identity politics at that level.
The restoration of media credibility is essential to a democratic society. A free press must tell both sides of the story without endless editorializing. Just the facts and let the people decide what to believe.
An impartial constitutionally based judiciary is also essential to a free democratic society. It is foreseen that the high court may have two vacancies to fill in the foreseeable future. The conservative leanings for judicial picks will again cause outrage, but so would liberal leanings. It is disturbing, the violent outbursts which are occurring. The recent demonstrations at the residence of Tucker Carlson should not be tolerated and no man or woman should be made to be afraid in his person for doing his job. Those folks as well as politicians advocating getting in people’s faces with who you disagree should face criminal charges.
After all of this, what wasn’t adequately dealt with in our recent elections was a discussion of necessary cuts in spending for you can’t continue giving away things for which there isn’t money. What is a responsible view of healthcare? Who should be eligible for food stamps particularly when they live above the poverty level? What is a livable wage when the work leaves a lot to be desired or is not market driven? Why should the government be responsible for one's retirement welfare?
Trump 2020 may seem formidable to many, but Republicans need not fall asleep at the switch. The revived interest reportedly of Hillary Clinton running in 2020 would do the Democrats in. Investigations must be had into the Uranium 1 acquisition by Russia at the hands of the Clinton Foundation. The verbal badgering of women must end with assault of such taken seriously. Less we continue on the path of party dominance by rich candidates, changes to laws on political donations as well as the influence of PAC must happen — the Soros and Koch Foundations are two groups with an outsize impact on election outcomes; they must be reined in. The rules on who may run for president should require full and public disclosure of holdings to prevent conflicts of interest.
The 2020 races have begun — full steam ahead.
Ada M. Fisher, MD, MPH is a licensed teacher, retired Corporate physician, former county school board member, speaker, author of Common Sense Conservative Prescriptions Good for What Ails Us Book 1 (available through Amazon. com) and is the NC Republican National Committeewoman. Contact through To read more of Dr. Fisher's reports, Click Here Now.