Unmasking Atheism as a Bankrupt Religion

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By Monday, 12 March 2018 05:15 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

It’s obvious that we live in an increasingly atheistic culture.

Surveys show that atheism is growing at an alarming rate across the globe. In a very short time, countries such as France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Australia will lose their Christian majorities to those who consider themselves atheists or “religiously unaffiliated.”

In fact, the "religiously unaffiliated" — also known as the “Nones” — is now the second largest “religious group in Europe. In the United States, it makes up almost a quarter of the population, and in the past decade alone, it has overtaken the Catholic Church, the mainline Protestant denominations, and all followers of non-Christian faiths.

According to the Pew Forum, “Nones” cite a variety of reasons for casting off faith. Some believe that rational thought and religious belief cannot co-exist. Others see some people of faith behaving badly, and blame it not on frail and flawed humanity, but on God. Still others say they are “spiritual but not religious” — whatever that means.

The None worldview is especially popular with today’s youth, who have been seduced by the confident, firebrand styles of atheists like Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, and Sam Harris, and are attracted by the idea of a hedonistic, self-centered, self-absorbed culture with no moral truths or commandments. (Atheism is perfect for the snowflake generation.)

While these folks may stop short of calling themselves “atheist,” thy simultaneously reject the majority of dogmas held by Judaism, Christianity, and the other world religions. In other words, their professed religious views have little or no relevance in their lives. They are believers in name only; in their behavior, they are thoroughly secular. For all practical purposes, they are atheists — functional atheists.

The truth is, we live in a functionally atheistic society in which secular values have achieved dominance in most sectors of the general public — and to an especially high degree in the media, academia, the entertainment industry, and the government.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the world we live in today is literally facing a crisis of faith.

That’s why I’ve written a new book called, "Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There is No God." I believe that too many Christians today are sleeping. They live a very comfortable Christianity. Meanwhile, Rome is burning. They just don’t realize that there is a spiritual war going on. All our deepest beliefs and values are under attack. We’re under attack. And in many ways we’re losing.

With all due respect, Christians need to wake up. The time for being nice and amiable is done. We have to mobilize and engage those who are opposing us in a very bold, aggressive, and fearless way.

And the best way to start is by recognizing atheism for what it is — an intellectually bankrupt religion. Yes, the new atheism is a religion that has its own philosophy (materialism), morality (relativism), politics (social Darwinism), and culture (secularism). It even has its own sacraments (abortion and euthanasia).

And this system of beliefs has been responsible for more death, carnage, persecution, and misery than any system of beliefs the world has ever known. In the last 100 years alone, atheist regimes — including those of Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc. — have killed over 150 million people!

We have to confront atheists with these incontrovertible facts. We have to be ready to point out that the greatest intellectual achievements in history have been made by believers — not atheist. Just look at the list of scientists, artists, writers, historians, philosophers, and physicians of the past who believed fervently in God. It is a truly staggering list. The Big Bang Theory, for instance, was formulated by a Catholic priest! The father of genetics was an Augustinian monk. If you don’t believe me, look it up for yourself!

Finally, we have to be fearless in pointing out that atheists are driving this bleak, frightening culture of death in which we are presently engulfed — a culture in which up to 50 million abortions take place annually and the use of euthanasia and assisted suicide is becoming routing across the globe.

Ultimately, atheism is a belief system without hope. Atheists themselves are nihilistic and negative, and therefore fundamentally unhappy. If they left the rest of us alone, it would one thing. But unfortunately, like all negative and unhappy people, they want everyone else to be as unhappy as they are.

We can’t allow that. We can’t sit back and be punching bags for these obnoxious bullies any longer. Enough is enough. No more turning the other cheek. It’s time to get out there and fight.

Anthony DeStefano is the bestselling author of more than fifteen Christian books for adults and children, including "Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There is No God," "A Travel Guide to Heaven," "Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To," "The Donkey No One Could Ride, and Little Star." He has hosted two television series on EWTN and has received many awards and honors from religious organizations throughout the world. A Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, he is an avid pilot, a successful businessman, and a longtime pro-life activist, having worked with Fr. Frank Pavone for over two decades. Anthony has appeared on many national television and radio programs, including Fox’s "America’s Newsroom," CNN, the 700 Club, Focus on the Family Radio, and Janet Parshall’s “In the Market.” He lives with his wife, Jordan, in New Jersey. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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It’s obvious that we live in an increasingly atheistic culture.
christianity, atheism, book
Monday, 12 March 2018 05:15 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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