Biden Not the First President to Leave a European Country Hanging

President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Dreamstime)

By Tuesday, 08 March 2022 10:59 AM EST ET Current | Bio | Archive

The following column has been authored by a non-clinician.

“A Conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs, who, however, has never learned to walk forward.” — FDR (1882-1945)

The president was infirm. He was sickly. He had no business being president.

Everybody knew it. Especially those whose job it was to protect him, to help him represent the country and to make sure he was at his peak performance for the American people.

His wife had taken on the role of nursemaid more than a wife or first lady.

His children were substantially less than presidential.

He strived at things — when he had any energy at all — to give away taxpayer money “to help others.” He built some of the biggest, most unwieldy government programs in history and spent other hard-working Americans' money like a drunken sailor.

He took money away from crucial federal programs like the military, education and law enforcement to “invest” in massive long-term societal projects which seemed to benefit only his party and his cronies.

He generated crime like Americans had never seen before and told us all that his jobs plan was working — when it provably was not. He did virtually everything possible to keep Americans on the dole.

He was elected after assuring the American people he would fix everything, and he fixed nothing.

He reduced the military and its budget, creating a much more unsafe world and appeared cowardly in the face of our enemies.

There was no telling where these invading monsters would stop after their first conquest. And increasingly, all of a sudden, the world around our president seemed at war.

A European country had been invaded and was pleading for help. People were dying; buildings were destroyed; and it looked as if this was only the beginning … that the fascists had a final destination in mind: America.

Meanwhile back at the White House and the presidential vacation homes, the president sat on his hands, picking lint out of his pocket comb, seemingly impervious to the very human shrieks of pain and need coming from a very strategic country.

One of Europe’s most crucially placed nations was under constant attack, and their leader was beseeching and imploring the American president to help, to provide lethal weapons, battleships, fighter jets and bombers. But none was forthcoming.

Our president spoke regularly of sanctions while people in Europe were dying grisly deaths, brave outmanned and outgunned soldiers dying en masse and civilians being slaughtered.

If this country fell to the hands of its invaders, not only would the world be less safe, the very existence of America herself would be in doubt.

This was decidedly un-American. And Americans found this president’s spinelessness shameful.

Sounds like Joe Biden, no?


I’m writing about FDR.

FDR, the man who never met a taxpayer giveaway program he didn’t like was the 1930s version of Communist Bernie Sanders whose main campaign platform was “free stuff,” everything has to be free for everybody.

FDR, was the wealthy, highborn political operative adored and slobbered over by Dems and Marxists alike. In truth, a terrible president.

In one of the most shameful episodes in American history, FDR kept Winston Churchill begging like a man on his last legs for more than three years. Most of that time with London being bombed into oblivion during The Blitz.

During that period from 1939 to 1941, it was the crucial time of “Now is the time for all good men to spring to action.” No good man, FDR remained concerned with only his extramarital affairs and letting his caretaker Eleanor run things for America in 1944.

If England had been conquered by Hitler, Europe was his and the D-Day landing made impossible.

Still, our patrician president remained a passivist.

It took Pearl Harbor to force FDR into real action and out of his oblivious, sluggish apathy.

Perhaps the most obvious trait of the historical Democrat has been their passivism, their inability to fight the good fight, their total lack of concern for others’ plight.

They were doves in the face of the Bolsheviks, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro and every other dictator imaginable. Millions died while the Left sat inert. They’ve been in cahoots with them all.

They deviated recently, into hawks with an indignant interest in fighting never-ending wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere. Creepy politicians with few human qualities and zero compassion or the ability to stand up for the little guy.

And so as Ukraine fights for its life, Dems talk a lot about helping our friends in Ukraine but at the last moment, rely on the fact that Ukraine “is not part of NATO” … an inane technicality.

Ukraine deserves the quick, strong, Christian assistance in protecting their government, their people and the only freedom for thousands of miles to their east. If we let them down now, we will never again be trusted or respected the world over.

As Biden stumbles and bumbles his way through the first year plus two months of his term. One can almost hear him mumbling his unhinged mantra, “What would FDR do?”

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” — FDR (1882-1945)

“The accumulation of all powers executive, legislative and judicial, in the same hands, whether one, a few, or many, whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” – James Madison (1751-1836)

(This is a story I’ve written. We all have our stories. If you’d like to share yours with me or you would like my prayers, I’d love hearing from you. My email is

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In one of the most shameful episodes in American history, FDR kept Winston Churchill begging like a man on his last legs for more than three years. Most of that time with London being bombed into oblivion during The Blitz.
Tuesday, 08 March 2022 10:59 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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