Lucas Wall: A One-Man Wrecking Crew of the Biden-Left's Mandates

Lucas Wall at Brown Station, Antarctica, in 2014 and on NukHiva Island, French Polynesia in 2019. (Lucas Wall, Courtesy Bill Robinson/Used with permission)

By Monday, 31 January 2022 11:29 AM EST ET Current | Bio | Archive

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

– Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

There’s a lot of public outrage, extreme pushback, and lawsuits now snowballing against what many call illegal diktats demanding masks be worn and vaccines be taken. This galloping opposition represents honest, decent, hard-working, taxpaying Americans taking back their derailed and debauched country.

Nobody knows what will happen.

But I suspect an uprising against this tyranny is forthcoming.

There have been many individuals, many characters rising out of anonymity because they were mistreated. Mavericks who seem destined to stand on principle, alone if necessary but frequently joined by others with a cause.

I am not overstating this: People who fight back against oppression and totalitarianism are crucial to the continuation of humanity and the spirit of freedom. Imagine if the Founding Fathers had not dug very deep and mustered up the raw human emotion and commitment to fight Mad King George III and the imperialistic British Empire.

One such person to fight back is Theresa Mullins whom I wrote about in my Newsmax column, “One Brave, Principled Flight Attendant Out of Thousands.” (October 19, 2021) Mullins was one of the first to stand up and fight the mask mandates.

This is a related story of one man’s unstoppable pursuit of justice for himself to be sure, but also justice for so many others. His crusade focuses on mask mandates as well.

Lucas Wall is a man who likes to travel. He’s been to 134 recognized countries on six continents; multiple territories (like the BVI and Hong Kong) and three de facto countries (Taiwan, Transnistria and Northern Cyprus).

What happened when the pandemic started almost two years ago?

Lucas Wall’s fun, enjoyable life changed radically, that’s what. The government, courtesy of mini, overlord-tyrant Fauci started requiring masks without the necessary lawmaking.

Wall, 44, began his legal justice crusade when he wanted to travel from Orlando, where he was visiting his family, back to his D.C. home, making several stops along the way. He was prevented from traveling at the Orlando airport.

He has steadfastly refused to wear a mask even to take a short flight home. To Wall, it’s a matter of high principle.

Wall has now filed suits against Allegiant, JetBlue, Frontier, Spirit, Southwest, Alaska, Delta, CDC, DOT, HHS, TSA, DOT and President Biden. There’s no telling where Wall will stop.

Lucas Wall has taken his assorted cases to the Supreme Court, twice. And without an attorney, which makes it even more extraordinary.

The man is indefatigable. In one case against Biden, Wall submitted a 1,500-page filing with 218 exhibits of all manner.

Even in SCOTUS, Wall won’t take “no” for an answer. After his filing was accepted by Chief Justice Roberts, it was quickly denied by the shrieking disappointment that is the spineless Roberts. It was swiftly refiled to Gorsuch. Gorsuch too … provided no help whatsoever.

And for Wall, it’s not the masks alone that are the enemy but centrally, the mandates.

How many parties are in Wall’s “coalition?” Wall told me, “There are 14 in the TSA cases, 13 in the airlines case — some are duplicates — and a few other people who filed recently. Perhaps close to 30,” he estimated

Why is Wall doing this? “Because my passion in life is travel,” Wall told me, “and I can’t wear a mask. It causes me anxiety, panic attacks and causes me difficulty in breathing. My only option is to fight these administrative creations that have no basis in science.”

Where will this go? Wall predicted, “I expect there will be 10 to 15 lawsuits filed around America by disabled flyers who have been banned or restricted, many of whom have had their exemptions refused. I believe I will succeed. Recent Supreme Court decisions essentially say the executive branch cannot impose these kinds of restrictions on Americans. This mask mandate is illegal and cannot be dictated by the Biden administration.”

“There continue to be court decisions around the country that halted three of the four Biden mandates. It’s very exciting every time a federal judge invalidates an illegal Biden mandate it bolsters our work.”

And as the fatally-corrupt Biden administration continues its illegal, unconstitutional edicts, there’s an upsurge of Biden-mauling in courts across our land.

Within hours of the writing of this piece, major media reported that the Biden mob “officially withdraws” their vaccine mandate for businesses with over 100 employees. The worthless and weak Biden will fold at every turn. The American people have him and his hench-people on the run.

Few people have impressed me with their relentlessness, their commitment to a cause and their absolute refusal to allow freedom to be strangled. Lucas Wall is a very special man in this regard: he won’t stand for what’s going on today. I say the same about Theresa Mullins.

Will Wall ever get back to his enjoyable life of carefree traveling? “Yes … eventually.”

“The accumulation of all powers executive, legislative and judicial, in the same hands, whether one, a few, or many, whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” – James Madison (1751-1836)

(This is a story I’ve written. We all have our stories. If you’d like to share yours with me or you would like my prayers, I’d love hearing from you. My email is

Read More of Bill Robinson's Reports — Here.

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There’s a lot of public outrage, extreme pushback, and lawsuits now snowballing against what many call illegal diktats demanding masks be worn and vaccines be taken.
lucas wall, mandates
Monday, 31 January 2022 11:29 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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