A version of this article appears on World Net Daily
Have you ever played the board game "Monopoly"?
Wasn’t it fun to have little piles of "money," little paper bills that did seem like real paper currency ?
And if you were good at the game, wasn’t it fun to wind up owning properties like Park Place and hotels; eventually maybe winning the entire game?
Did you ever try to actually spend any of those bills? Unless you were very young and had an indulgent grandmother who wanted to humor you with a cookie or some hot chocolate, you were reminded that "Monopoly" was just a game — and that your play "money" was only good when you were playing the board game.
But now we’re all grown up. Aren’t we?
Oh sure, we’re very adult now. We’re used to losing 70,000 of our citizens to drug abuse every year, over 480,000 to cigarettes and vaping — and hardly pay any attention to the million plus abortions — all unwanted little children — that we pay for with our taxes.
Very adult, sophisticated and self sufficient.
But now — now, we seem to be in real trouble!
Yes, we’re in the middle of an unprecedented crisis, worse in some ways than the world wars we’ve fought and eventually won. We’ve been attacked by an invisible but very deadly enemy, and it’s understandable that many are reacting in panic like in that childhood fable, "Chicken Little."
"The sky is falling!"
But there is nowhere to run. We’ve got to confront this enemy face to face, head on, trying to come to the aid of those already wounded.
Our weapons are inadequate; simultaneously, we're trying to protect ourselves from becoming casualties. Or worse, dying and unable to help anybody, including our loved ones.
Yes, this is a global problem, with almost all other nations attacked just like we are.
But — this isn’t "overseas," it’s on our own shores, in our own towns, in our own neighborhoods.
It's even in our own homes.
The clock is running, the enemy relentless, and we’re all looking for answers — or at least for those who have any.
It was good, even necessary, to run for cover in whatever way we could. It was also good and necessary to look for whatever we could do for the wounded, the sick, the seriously threatened.
And in spite of the dangers and the enormity of the challenges, not even knowing with certaintity what we were fighting, this country and its leaders jumped into the fray and started developing whatever defenses we could; whatever treatments and care for the fallen we could come up with.
As always, we're determined to "see it through," to try and find answers to "get through this."
But, unlike any other war or nation-threatening crisis we’ve faced, there was not the unanimous pulling together,the dropping of political differences, with everybody, looking for whatever it might take to help the most needy — in a spirit of rational, selfless dedication to the common good.
Oh yes, there was a lot of that, as you expect from Americans — but almost from the first awareness of the crisis, we’ve also been afflicted with a wholesale, mounting, clamorous "blame game," confusing and obfuscating the otherwise total efforts to overcome the enemy.
While the president, like any responsible resident, quickly assessed the coming tidal wave, determined its source, assembled medical, military and governmental experts and committed to on an almost 24 hours per day campaign to defend over 300 million of us from an unavoidable disaster — President Donald Trump's his political opponents (again almost half of us) decided this terrible calamity was a great opportunity to blame the whole thing on our nation's 45th president, in a concerted effort to ensure he wouldn’t be re-elected.
If you think I’m kidding, making this up, some kind of terrible joke or partisan accusation, please, my fellow Americans, look at the stark facts.
Because of the dread likelihood of widespread serious illness — and many thousands of unavoidable deaths — the experts and the president urged individual masking, gloves, and "social distancing" to hopefully slow down the spread of the highly contagious virus.
And assuming most Americans wouldn’t take personal precautions, the call came (especially and the local and state levels) for emergency shutdown of most businesses to prevent contagious interaction.
I don't have to tell you how suicidal that was — and is.
You’re seeing, and experiencing, the fatal fallout of shutting down American commerce, independent businesses, small and large. we are also seeing the stark results of severely limiting all social connections that make our country who we are!
Even the experts overestimated the number of deaths that might occur if Americans stupidly did nothing personally to protect themselves. A million? Two million? A hundred million? And President Trump's avowed political enemies constantly accuse their elected leader for not doing enough to set everything right, as if they had divine guidance on some better undefined way.
In a desperate effort to "bail out" or keep small businesses from simply vanishing, and to rescue temporarily millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, their livelihoods, their ability to provide for their families, Congress and the president actually printed up almost three trillion dollars, backed by nothing but promises, spreading it out as best they could to those who need it most.
A nice effort, crazy as it is — but now the U.S. House of Representatives is proposing printing up 3 trillion more useless pieces of paper to fund their political objectives, in the guise of "helping those out of work."
Exactly as if you were playing "Monopoly" — losing — and you went in the other room, grabbed some paper, cut it up into the right little sizes, wrote "1 Million Dollars" on each piece — and went back to the game, declaring yourself the winner.
You think anybody will ever want to play with you again?
So what should we do?
I’m not God. But I know who is. And he’s got our attention, as he always has when we're in terrible danger and possess no good answers.
Now God wants our intention.
As of right now, there are no logical over-all solutions.
More will die, thousands of businesses will not come back, and almost all of us will suffer in many inescapable ways. Life as we’ve known it will not return to what we call "normalcy," and perhaps that’s as it should be.
In many ways, "normal" has been corruption.
Collectively, we’ve allowed our country to become no longer "One Nation Under God," even though our true currency still, ironically, has printed upon it, "In God We Trust."
This, as our currency loses all value, and does so faster than we can print up more of it.
—If starting right now, and continuing into the second half of this year, millions of us fall on our knees, crying out earnestly to the God who created and gave us all we’ve ever had of real value.
—If we make personal and corporate vows to seek him again, pray to him and pledge ourselves and our future to him.
—If we mean it in our hearts, that almighty God, who as our Declaration of Independence declares, "created all men equal and endowed us with Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness," just may rescue us one more time,
Printing three billion more meaningless pieces of paper money will only make the whole game worthless.
"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it: unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain," Psalm 127:1.
Pat Boone's public career spans a half-century, during which he has been a top-selling recording artist, the star of a hit television series, a movie star, a Broadway headliner, and a best-selling author. He is also a great-great-grandson of the legendary pioneer Daniel Boone. Read Pat Boone's Reports — More Here.