My long-cherished friend, Ronald Reagan, during his second term as president of the United States, made this solemn observation: “There are no human solutions to the world’s problems now; there are only divine solutions.”
Chew on that a few minutes.
In just the last few years, and indeed in the last few months, problems and crises are erupting around the world that do defy human solutions. What can mere mortals do about the rash of cataclysmic earthquakes? Or tornados that sweep in violently from nowhere? Or hurricanes, even when the weather forecasters warn us they’re coming?
As the Chicken Little of our day, Al Gore, wins a Nobel Prize for proclaiming “The sky is melting! The sky is melting!” to all who will listen, we learn that a growing majority of knowledgeable scientists disagree with him, and also that some of the major “experts” on global warming have been “cooking the books.”
And even the most serious believers in imminent meltdown, like the folks at Kyoto and Copenhagen, agree that if we earthlings did everything in our power to curb all carbon emissions for the next 20 years, the combined efforts would only result in less than one degree of change!
So what’s the point? Humans really can’t do anything about it . . . but pray, perhaps.
As the unimaginable gusher pours billions in precious oil into the Gulf waters, not only wasting precious fuel but murdering sea life and the ecological balance of our southern and eastern sea coasts, nobody from the president on down or the panicked brass at British Petroleum has been able to stop it. Try as they all will, it seems to be out of human hands.
What about wars, and rumors of wars? All the attempts to bring about world peace and harmony among nations have failed miserably. Hatreds and animosities, that often seem inexcusable and pointless to all who aren’t involved, roil on unabated and explode in senseless, inhuman violence in the Middle East and elsewhere.
The recent high seas killing by the North Koreans of their ethnic brothers; the deadly debacle that occurred when Palestinian sympathizers tried to run the Israeli blockade; the Taliban killing fellow Muslims and anybody else they can ambush — to accomplish what? Almost all this defies human reason, but nobody can bring it to an end.
Is there anywhere else to turn?
Here in America, a paralyzed president and Democrat Congress can’t find any solution to the immigration problems. And they don’t seem in any hurry to, either — at least not until after the elections later this year. They know there are 14 million illegal aliens who have flooded across our borders, and that a growing number of states are taking matters into their own hands, since the federal government is not performing its constitutionally mandated duty.
But, lest they lose the possibility of adding 14 million new, grateful voters to the Democrat rolls, all they can do is rail against Arizona for actually doing something about their own in-state rampage of drug traffic, home invasions, kidnappings, and unbearable economic burdens.
They call the Arizona laws “unconstitutional” and “racist,” without actually reading the words or discovering that the federal laws are more strict than Arizona’s. (And so are Mexico’s.)
Is there a Solomon in the house?
We are being steadily and relentlessly bankrupted, of course. Instead of treating irresponsible banks and semi-governmental funds (Fannie May and Freddie Mac) like regional and local businesses, allowing them to claim Chapter 11 and regroup, swallowing their own self-imposed losses, our fledgling president and his team are subjecting 300 million Americans to trillions of dollars of debt we can never dig our way out of.
It’s insanity, but they have the reins, and no matter what the majority of citizens say, they are determined to pursue their course to the bitter end.
Overturning many decades of alliance with our close friend Israel, President Obama is blatantly siding with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
As The New York Times has reported, Mr. Obama follows his rude and dismissive treatment of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu — in the White House — by meeting with Abbas and promising him a $400 million aid package for the Palestinian settlements in the West Bank and Gaza — in the White House.
What, in the name of God, can America possibly want from Mahmoud Abbas? What do we owe the Palestinians? Why, if their Arab and Muslim brothers care at all about them, can’t they use some of the vast oil wealth they use to attack us, to come to the humanitarian aid of Gaza?
Why does our president think he should load even more outlandish debt on us to win him points with . . . whom? And what, again in the name of God, does he have against Israel and its right to do what it wants in its own homeland?
What motivates the president to be harsher on our intelligence gatherers and interrogators than the apprehended terrorists who are trying to kill Americans? Why is he intent, as Donnelly and Schmitt write in The Weekly Standard, on putting “the United States on the same road as the countries of Europe, where domestic welfare crowds out all the most minimal spending for defense”?
Why — while Secretary Gates talks about cutting overhead by getting rid of unnecessary generals and consultants, lopping a whopping $300 billion out of the Pentagon’s budget — is the administration hiring tens of thousands of new federal workers?
Can there be any logical rationale for actions like this? Are things going to get a lot worse than they are already?
Yes, they certainly can — and very well may. Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division, warns “The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. A century-class solar storm could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina.”
I believe Ronald Reagan was right. If there are going to be real solutions to our problems today, we’ve got to be asking for divine help. No president, no human government is up to the job.