Dear John:
This isn't necessarily one of those break-up letters faithless girl friends send to servicemen overseas; I'm committed to backing my party's nominee despite my many misgivings. You may be, in the eyes of many conservatives, the equivalent of a nasty flu infection, but in my eyes you are far more preferable to the lethal cancerous alternatives over on the other side.
All that could change however, in the blink of an eye, if you don't get off that idiot global warming kick you're on along with Al Gore and your other Democratic chums.
John, this is not a mere political disagreement over an issue that has both good and bad sides to it — it's a matter of the very economic survival of all your fellow Americans to whom the global warming hucksters are trying to sell their poisonous brand of snake oil as a remedy for an ailment that a growing number of legitimate scientists insist does not exist.
Let me be more specific. As you are well aware, Congress is considering actions to stop this mythical threat that involve all sorts of assaults on this nation's economic viability including ruinous taxation and strangleholds on business industry and even individual freedom, all in the name of a threat hordes of respected climate experts now say is nonexistent, and some warn overlooks the real possibility that we are on the verge of a new little ice age, or even a big one.
Moreover, at the very heart of the matter is the United Nations, an organization that looks askance at the very notion of national sovereignty, especially ours. Under treaties such as the noxious Kyoto Accords and other such proposals, the ultimate authority overseeing the international war against global warming would be the United Nations.
John, you can't be ignorant of the fact that this entire scam is nothing other than attempt to impose a Marxist hegemony over the entire world with the U.N. at the center of it. C’mon, are you really a Marxist?
In a recent interview with the New American magazine, Dr. Arthur Robinson, a professor of chemistry and co-founder of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, analyzed the whole global warming hypothesis, tearing to shreds the specious claims of Mr. Gore and his cohort of grant-addicted scientists.
In collaboration with other scientists, Dr. Robinson was one of the early critics of doomsday global-warming theories, showing conclusively that the hypothesis of human-caused global warming is wrong and not supported by the observable evidence which is what science is supposed to be all about.
Human-caused global warming, he says "is a hypothesis that has failed so many experimental tests that it is clearly without merit." He goes on to explain why the reports of the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are not to be believed.
"... The UN has spent an enormous amount of money to convene meetings of 600 mostly self-interested people — many of whom are receiving research grants and other perks for participating — to try to determine something that isn’t knowable with current data and techniques, and produce a report, proves nothing.
"Moreover, many of these 600 disagree with the conclusions that the UN-IPCC advertises. The scientists are never allowed to approve or disapprove the final report, and many of the comments that they submit for publication in the report are rejected by U.N. bureaucrats.
"First, the report that is initially released to the public by the UN-IPCC is an executive summary put together by a handful of people including bureaucrats, politicians, UN operatives, and a few scientists. They issue a summary report with U.N. propaganda in it. They then go back to the reports of the 600 scientists and insert sentences into those reports so that they will conform to the summary.
"At no time in this process do the 600 ever vote approval or disapproval of their own report or of the summary report. So this report is not even approved by the people who are claimed to have authored it. This is a fraudulent process."
In the interview he spells out in graphic detail the horrific price the American people would be forced to pay should the global warming fanatics have their way.
"An estimated 9 percent of the energy of the United States is now used to power computers and the Internet," he explains. "This technology cannot exist without energy. Automobiles require energy. You cannot warm your home without energy.
"If the U.N. controls rations and taxes energy, they will have the power to determine whether you can run a wood stove, whether you can run an automobile, or can use any of the technology that makes our modern life possible.
"When you say this to people, their eyes glaze over. They don’t believe it’s going to happen. The power to tax and ration energy is the power to control the world — to have life and death control over every human being on the planet. No government should ever have this power. The United Nations-IPCC process is not about the climate or saving the environment. It is about power and money — lots of it."
His conclusion: "Should Gore and the U.N. succeed, the effect will not only be diminished prosperity in the United States. In underdeveloped countries, billions of people are lifting themselves from poverty by means of hydrocarbon energy. If their energy supplies are rationed and taxed, they will slip backwards into poverty, misery, and death. This fits the population control agenda of the United Nations.
"If the misuse and falsification of the scientific method that drives the human-caused global-warming mania succeeds, it will cause the greatest acts of human genocide the world has ever known. It must be stopped."
Dr. Robinson is not alone. Last month it was revealed that over 400 of the world's leading scientists and climate experts have joined the ever-increasing number of leading researchers who dispute the entire global warming theory. And, by the way, have you looked at the thermometer lately.
Anyway, the whole point of this screed is simply to tell you if you don't climb down from the Gore bandwagon and pick up rocks and start throwing them at it, I'll do everything in my limited way to condemn you for your failure to protect your fellow Americans. To me, this isn't just an issue — it's the issue.
Semper fi.
Phil Brennan
Phil Brennan is a veteran journalist and World War II Marine who writes for He is editor and publisher of Wednesday on the Web ( and was Washington columnist for National Review magazine in the 1960s. He also served as a staff aide for the House Republican Policy Committee and helped handle the Washington public relations operation for the Alaska Statehood Committee which won statehood for Alaska.
He is also a trustee of the Lincoln Heritage Institute and a member of the Association For Intelligence Officers.
He can be reached at