If current speculation is on target, there is going to be a wholesale slaughter in the congressional elections in November, with angry voters across the nation venting their anger at incumbents they believe have betrayed them by supporting the Obama healthcare scam.
Republicans seem to think that the voters' targets will be exclusively Democrat incumbents, but they are wrong.
The targets are incumbents, regardless of their party affiliation.
The bizarre result of this trend could be the election of another Democratic-controlled Congress with the voters in a throw-the-bums-out-regardless-of-party mood.
Should that happen we can look forward to another dismal two years of the Pelosi woman as speaker of the House and pretty much a blank check for whatever ultra-left wing programs President Obama may be planning to inflict on the nation.
This prospect makes it imperative for Republicans to make their case to the voters by the way they handle themselves in the scant nine months left before the November elections.
That means solid opposition to the president's programs, a policy not evident in GOP behavior in the Senate where enough GOP votes have been available to the Democratic majority to carry the day or them on such key issues as healthcare.
There is nothing wrong with the GOP leadership on the Hill. Both Sen. Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader John Boehner have done their jobs with skill and for the most part kept their troops in line on key issues.
The problem is the GOP's failure to present a solid front in expressing the party's traditional opposition to the kind of Big Brother government typified by the Obama administration's quasi-socialist programs and policies.
If the GOP is to prevail in November, they are going to have to make up their minds right now that the order of the day echoes Winston Churchill's declaration to never, never give in.
Phil Brennan writes for Newsmax.com. He is editor and publisher of Wednesday on the Web (www.pvbr.com) and was Washington columnist (Cato) for National Review magazine in the 1960s. He is a trustee of the Lincoln Heritage Institute and a member of the Association For Intelligence Officers. He can be reached at pvb@pvbr.com.