The knives are out for Sarah Palin, and from the standpoint of the left that's not only a good thing, it's the only thing. Sarah Palin is a fire breathing dragon from the right that must at all costs be slain. She scares the living daylights out of them.
In her farewell speech Sunday, she took aim at the media when she said they ought to stop making stuff up. That kind of straight talk cannot be tolerated. If today's mainstream media is prevented from making stuff up they're out of business.
After all, making stuff up is easier than actually going out and covering what's happening in the real world, especially since what's happening is the piece-by-piece dismantling of the United States now underway at the hands of their godlike-hero Barack Hussein Obama.
They are making stuff up about Palin because telling the truth about her threatens to undo all they are trying to do to help Obama turn America into a socialist worker's paradise.
Palin has an annoying habit of speaking straight from the shoulder, in terms everyone can understand. Moreover, she exhibits an ability to view things from the standpoint of common sense, which is anathema to the gilded youth of our nation's elite media who share the belief that Americans are too stupid to know what's good for them or understand what's going on without the guidance of their intellectual superiors in New York and Washington D.C.
The odious Bill Maher recently explained it all to CNN's Wolf Blitzer, who asked if Maher thought that Palin had a future as a presidential candidate. His response: "I don't know about a presidential candidate but I would never put anything past this stupid country."
That's you folks that he's talking about. Obviously stupid people in this stupid country gravitate to stupid candidates such as Palin.
When Blitzer asked him to clarify his belief that the U.S. is stupid, Maher told him: "I don't need to clarify. It is. "
Is Palin stupid? Of course she isn't, unless you are one of those superior beings who infest the mainstream media. They define stupidity as an inability to recognize and be guided by the superior wisdom of our self-anointed academic and media elite.
It is vital to their cause that Palin be portrayed as a lunkheaded moron from the sticks who must be headed off at the border between Alaska and Canada before she can spread her egregious errors throughout the lower 48 states heavily populated by easily misled stupid people like you and me.
So they make up stuff about her. When Palin told Charles Gibson that "you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska," the media went bonkers over this, proof that the lady is stupid. But it's true — from a certain vantage point in the vast state of Alaska, Russian territory is visible.
What makes Palin dangerous to the collectivists is her popularity with the great mass of ordinary Americans. They see her for what she is — one of them. When she speaks she speaks in a language they understand, and she makes sense — good common sense. She sees things as they see them and not as the media elite wants them to see them. And that makes her dangerous.
When she announced her decision to resign as Alaska governor they pounced on her, calling her a quitter who had by her resignation in midterm eliminated herself as a credible candidate for the presidency in 2012.
Taking that line — that it was all about 2012 — they obfuscated her real motives a future plans, ignoring her obvious goal of aiming at the vital congressional elections in 2010 and the need to do everything possible to retake control of Capitol Hill.
Because people listen to her, she poses a serious threat to the left, which understands that controlling both houses of Congress is an essential element in their plans to remake America in the image and likeness of the Marxist Barack Hussein Obama. If they can be stripped of control of the House, the Obamaization of America would be stopped dead in its tracks.
So she must be demonized, slandered, and crushed. This dragon must be slain.
Phil Brennan writes for Newsmax.Com. He is editor and publisher of Wednesday on the Web and was Washington columnist (Cato) for National Review magazine in the 1960s. He is a trustee of the Lincoln Heritage Institute and a member of the Association For Intelligence Officers. He can be reached at