Today's Americans are on a steady diet of crises, so shocking and concerning it would be hard to imagine there is something approaching quickly that is far more perilous to our nation and yet it hardly generates a headline. Days from now, the Biden administration plans to hand over major elements of U.S. national sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO) at the World Health Assembly. If this does not shock you, it should.
The current administration has picked up the mantle left from the Obama presidency racing pell-mell to usher in a new menu of totalitarian dreams such as Green New Deals, healthcare mandates, and canceled energy independence, just to name a few.
Meanwhile, perhaps we should ask ourselves, as Americans, if we have neo-Marxists within our own national government. Would they like to see a forced compliance to their way of governance, inclusive of relinquishing U.S. sovereignty to the WHO?
Let's peel back the onion and recall it was the WHO that covered for the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Wuhan lab leak of COVID-19.
On May 22-28, 2022, the World Health Assembly's 75th meeting convenes at the United Nations HQ in Geneva, Switzerland. The intent of the Biden administration is to hand over America's national sovereignty related to our healthcare system to the WHO.
This onion stinks; your eyes are probably watering right now from reading this news. And yes, it might come as news because nary a mainstream media outlet has even mentioned this.
Since January 18, 2022, Biden administration officials have silently sent substantial amendments to the WHO without so much as a peep from the press conference stage. Sorry, Rob Finnerty, no Jen Psaki dodge this time.
Shortages of everything in America, the Ukraine-Russia war, unbridled inflation, leaked Supreme Court documents, and more race across our television screen chryon tickers. And now a Pandemic Treaty, where the WHO will call the shots — literally and figuratively — on future health crises in the U.S. and it doesn't even make headline news. Move along, nothing to see here.
Let's pause for a moment to recall what the Constitution (Article 2, Section 2) says about treaties: "The president, 'shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.'" Treaties are binding agreements between nations and become international law.
Here's where the stink of the onion really burns, according to the United States Senate website on treaties; "executive agreements" are still binding on the parties under international law.
The Biden team has moved well beyond leveraging a mere crisis to get to their ends. They are leveraging all of them!
The 13 new amendments that are up for adoption will give the U.N. body sweeping powers to determine whether the U.S. has a health crisis, deploy its so-called experts to our nation and edict the policies on how our nation will deal with the crisis — all without the need for our approval.
The desire to bring America in line with the globalist dream of One-World Government will become more codified if America signs on to this Pandemic Treaty. If the Biden administration gets away with this newest usurpation, the WHO and the CCP will be jubilant at conquering a significant part of America without even firing a shot.
WHO wins? WHO wins.
The amendments of the Pandemic Treaty are to be incorporated into an existing treaty; it's blatant attempt to circumvent pesky legislators still faintly interested in their oath to the Constitution. Americans are already mortified at the direct challenge to our physical sovereignty at the open Southern border where illegal immigrants, drugs and violent criminals flow into the U.S. by the thousands daily.
How would the nation and Constitution survive in a world where the U.N. — with heavy CCP influence — controls our health policies? Global elites like Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari of the World Economic Forum: ready the Champagne.
Every American should be reaching out to his or her senators and representatives right now. This is a worthy hill to stand on for our sovereignty and future. Everything up to this moment has been a shiny object of distraction.
The globalist overlords are inside the wire — a military term that denotes an enemy within the gates. This is a great American crisis — and for those of us who still believe in the Constitution, rule of law, and American values that elevate everyone — we must not let this crisis go to waste. It is time to restore liberty and protect sovereignty.
Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Blaine Holt is a co-founder of Restore Liberty, former Deputy Representative to NATO, lifetime member on the Council on Foreign Relations and Newsmax Contributor. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or its components. Read Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Blaine Holt's reports. — More Here.
Tamara Colbert, M.A., APR is the principal at Oh, Sweet Liberty! PR, and PRSA Dallas Chapter Board Member and Treasurer 2022. The views presented are those of the co-author and do not represent those of any organization.