President Donald Trump wraps up his first year in office with two more glittering successes, one foreign and one domestic. He recognized Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and he signed the biggest tax cut since Reagan. These two shining stars are mere facets of a widening constellation of successes that include the effective end of the Obamacare mandate, the slowing of the influx of illegal aliens and the deep sixing of bushels of anti-business regulations.
President Trump has appointed numerous federal judges who respect the constitution and understand their proper role in the constitutional framework, including Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. Trump has presided over the virtual defeat ISIS. His election was like a dam breaking on Wall Street as businesses are now infused with a type of infectious energy resulting from eight torpid years of suppression.
He is effectively cracking down on drug gangs and illegal alien criminals.
President Trump’s enemies, the left, Democrats, liberal Republicans, internationalists —both domestic and foreign — the cultural elites, have been on the wrong side every time.
Their investigation of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign has only exposed examples of collusion between Russia and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama with the uranium one scandal and the Russian involvement in Hillary’s phony dossier against Trump. Now, the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is the last hope the left has to slow down Trump’s genuinely progressive agenda.
Those aspirations are mired in its own scandals. The investigation has fallen out of favor with Americans according to recent polls. Nothing has been found nothing on Trump, so they flail away at people who have done things that have nothing whatsoever to do with Trump; or they strong-arm low-level campaign aides over trifles.
Insanity is when a person or a group of people continue to repeat the same wrong thing over and over again. That about describes liberal Democrats who are mired in the false construct of race identity politics by which they put their opponents under a microscope in search of racism.
All the while, African-American employment levels in Trump’s first year are 40 percent higher on average than they were during Obama’s previous eight years. Obama’s deportation levels were higher on average than were Trump’s during his first year.
I predict that by this time next year, President Trump will have made significant inroads in terms of winning over millennials and minorities. By then, the effects of the tax cuts and the end of the most onerous aspects of Obamacare will be felt in the paycheck — and in the job market. Success is a contagious thing and sane self-interested people naturally want to get on board with it. The liberal’s old and shopworn rhetoric, like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., calling tax breaks "Armageddon" will start to wear thin.
Every so often a moment in politics wakes people up. This occurred when Sens. Sherrod Brown, D-Phio, and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, broke into a shouting match while debating the tax cut legislation. Brown, regurgitating the same lie that finds its origin in Marx decalred, "When the Republicans are in power, the first thing they want to do is give tax cuts to the rich. That's just what's— it's in their DNA."
Hatch responded, "I've been here working my whole stinking career for people who don't have a chance. And I really resent anybody saying that I'm just doing this for the rich. Give me a break, I think you guys overplay that all the time and it gets old. And frankly you ought to quit it."
Hatch also said, "What you said was not right! That's all I'm saying," Hatch said. "Now I come from the lower middle class originally. We didn't have anything. So don't spew that stuff on me. I get a little tired of that c**p! . . . I like you personally very much. But I'm telling you this bull-c**p that you guys throw out here really gets old after a while. And then to do it right at the end of this is just not right."
Chuck Morse is a radio host who broadcasts live Thursday's at 10 a.m. ET at WMFO-Tufts. Chuck hosts the podcast "Chuck Morse Speaks" on iTunes and Stitcher and his books are available on For more of his reports — Click Here Now.