Question: When are racial slurs and playing the race card acceptable?
Answer: When used by white and black liberals to attack any black who dares stray from the liberal plantation.
For example, did you know that the terms “cool,” "hip," “basketball,” and even “Chicago” are racist if used in the context of a discussion of Obama?
Actress Stacey Dash was criticized for supporting Mitt Romney.
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Or, if you are white and criticize him or his attorney general you are a racist — and if black, a turncoat or worse?
The same people who yell racism at every Obama critic have no problem with the real racism of their fellow Democrats’ using every racist slur they can muster against any black who has a political viewpoint different from theirs.
They remain silent and hence give tacit approval.
The most recent example is black actress Stacey Dash who had the gall to say that she is supporting Mitt Romney. Her comments drew a backlash of vile, hateful, and racist responses.
The same thing happened to Utah Congressional candidate Mia Love after her speech at the Republican convention. She was the object of vicious racist attacks including having her Wikipedia biography hacked with racist and sexist slurs.
Similar treatment has been afforded to Thomas Sowell, Congressman Allen West, R-Fla., former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Herman Cain and many other blacks who dare to have a political viewpoint different from the black and white democratic establishment.
It’s nothing less than blatant hatred showing a callous disrespect and intolerance for diversity of opinion and viewpoint.
The disgrace is the silence from the liberal and media establishment. Hats off to Whoopi Goldberg who called the attacks on Dash "vicious" and "horrible.” She was a voice in the liberal wilderness.
Goldberg’s co-host on "The View,” Barbara Walters, said the backlash against Dash was racially-motivated. "The reason she is being attacked is because she is black and the feeling is black people should not be voting for Romney."
Crystal Wright hit the nail on the head when she wrote in The Root: “When a black person steps out of the black Democrat box that liberals have assigned them to and most blacks have accepted, personal attacks ensue. ‘Sell-out,’ ‘Oreo,’ or ‘You think you’re white,’ are just a few examples of the name-calling they must endure.”
My God, what was the Voting Rights Act all about?
In many ways these black and white liberal bigots — people who would never call themselves bigots — are like the lynch mobs of decades ago who laughed and applauded as they watched a black hanging from a tree.
They didn’t put the rope around his neck, but they relished watching his body twist slowly in the wind. Today’s liberals won’t condemn lynchings of free thought of blacks with differing political viewpoints. As stated above, they give approval by their silence.
Why is it racist? They don't denigrate Republican or conservative Jews, Italians, or Hispanics — that treatment is reserved for blacks. What is so despicable is the silence of black and white Democrats and Obama’s friends in the general media. When it comes to racial slander, they protect their own.
Remember back in 2008 when Senate Majority leader Harry Reid referred to Obama as “light skinned . . . with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one?” Or, Joe Biden who said of his then campaign opponent and now current boss: “I mean you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy . . .”
No condemnation then from black or white liberals as was the case more recently when Biden talked about “putting y’all back in chains.”
As to those black Democrats and liberals who relish calling black conservatives “Uncle Toms,” “Aunt Jemimas and worse, they really are showing disrespect for their own people. How often do we hear Jewish, Hispanic or gay Democrats calling Jewish, Hispanic or gay Republicans vile names? Rarely. Beyond politics, they respect each other and will not do the dirty work of the liberal establishment against their own.
As Stacey Dash said, she had a constitutional right to support whomever she desires — as do all black Americans. More to the point, she said she chose Romney “not for the color of his skin but the content of his character.” By doing so, she is honoring the legacy of those blacks and whites who were killed, beaten or maimed fighting for those rights.
Kudos to Paul Ryan for calling and offering support!
A nice follow-up would be for Mitt Romney to condemn the racist and intolerant attacks on his black supporters and thank them for their support.
Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political and media relations consulting firm in Florida. He held several positions in the Reagan administration as well as the Reagan presidential campaigns, including Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation. He was also appointed chairman of the District of Columbia Reagan-Bush Campaign and he chaired the District of Columbia Delegation to the Republican National Convention in Dallas. Contact him at Read more reports from Clarence V. McKee — Click Here Now.