As a black American, it was with a great deal of sadness that I said on Newsmax TV’s "America Talks Live" that Barack Obama may go down in history, not only as the first black president, but as the leader of one of the most corrupt administrations in American history!
The sorry record speaks for itself.
His first Attorney General, Eric Holder, was the first sitting member of a president’s cabinet in history to be held in contempt of Congress.
That made him the only sitting Attorney General to be so censured. He had refused to turn over documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal.
In addition to taking every opportunity to race bait and accuse criticism of him or the president as being racially motivated, he secretly obtained phone records of Associated Press reporters and editors and former Fox News correspondent James Rosen in an alleged attempt to stop leaks.
Trevor Tim, a co-founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, called Holder the “worst attorney General for the press in a generation.”
His second Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, was up to her neck in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. According to Obama’s FBI Director James Comey, she wanted the Clinton investigation to be called a “matter.”
And, let’s not forget her little airport tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton while his wife, Hillary, was under investigation. Do they really think we are dumb enough to think they talked about grandchildren?
The Obama corruption did not just weaponize and taint the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI, it also extended to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) where Lois Lerner and her IRS colleagues abused power and targeted conservative groups whom they deemed political enemies. No consequences!
So where is Attorney General Jeff Sessions?
Continuing up the corruption ladder, we have Hillary Clinton’s Department of State using then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to blame the attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi on an anti-Muslim YouTube video.
That is the same State Department involved in the approval of the 2010 Uranium One transaction which allowed the sale of 20 percent of U.S. uranium holdings to Russia’s state owned atomic energy company. The still unresolved issue is whether there was any quid pro quo with the Clinton Foundation.
So where is Attorney General Jeff Sessions?
And now we are in the midst of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) scandal. As has been reported, the Obama administration’s FBI and DOJ used information from an unverified dossier, paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, to get a FISA court warrant to spy on Trump campaign officials.
If that were not enough, we have learned that Obama’s second U.N. Ambassador, Samantha Power — who had no intelligence related responsibilities — sought to unmask over 260 Americans even during the final days of the Obama administration.
We already know that her predecessor, National Security Adviser Susan Rice, known for her lies in the Benghazi tragedy, admitted unmasking identities of senior Trump campaign officials.
It seems that every day brings new revelations of how far the Obama team went to corrupt the legal process and violate numerous laws in the Clinton email fiasco and what many are calling “FISA-Gate.”
What is truly unfortunate is how far that corruption has permeated and tainted the nation’s mainstream media. It has sided with and protects those associated with their Clinton-Obama political heroes who may have broken the law!
Even as the stench of corruption and its slippery swamp slime touched nearly a dozen top officials at the Obama DOJ and FBI — including a former Attorney General, former Associate Attorney General, the former Director and Assistant Director of the FBI — the press has buried its head in the “hear, see and speak no evil” sand.
Their hatred of Trump seems to transcend any loyalty to the ideals of their profession as they turn a blind eye to possible illegal acts committed by their political soul mates.
By their silence, the mainstream press — and their Democratic cohorts in Congress — are giving tacit approval to corruption at the highest levels of government.
Given their way of thinking, whether corruption in government deserves media exposure depends on whose team or political allies are perpetrating the corruption!
As Victor Davis Hanson writes in Jewish World Review: “Progressives are not supposed to destroy requested emails, 'acid wash' hard drives, spread unverified and paid-for opposition research among government agencies, or use the DOJ and FBI to obtain warrants to snoop on the communications of American citizens.”
He went on to say that the FISA scandal may become more “worrisome” than either Watergate or Iran-Contra because, “our defense against government wrongdoing — the press — is defending such actions, not uncovering them. Liberal and progressive voices are excusing, not airing, the excesses of the DOJ and FBI.”
Is anybody listening? Does anyone care?
Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political, and media relations consulting firm in Florida. He held several positions in the Reagan administration as well as in the Reagan presidential campaigns. He is a former co-owner of WTVT-TV in Tampa and former president of the Florida Association of Broadcasters. Read more of his reports — Go Here Now.