As the scandalous saga of Planned Parenthood‘s harvesting of baby body parts continues, see I shudder to think of what happened to three of my babies.
As a
mother, I wonder what happened to the bodies of three of my babies.
My two abortions and a subsequent miscarriage in the 1970s, all due to wrong thinking and misinformation from Planned Parenthood and the anti-life industry at large are all part of a dark season of my life.
I write about these experiences in my books "King Rules, How Can The Dream Survive," and "Sons of Thunder."
I remember the hours in the abortion facilities; the pain, the stress and duress of procedures that left my womb empty and my heart broken; having papers pushed before me for signature with minimal if any explanation. Like many women, I was there with conflicting thoughts and feelings.
All that time not knowing that my babies would
share in my pain.
As one woman explains, “I went for a procedure. Upon arrival, I was given two antibiotics and three sedatives. While waiting for the pills to take effect, I was given papers to sign. I was distracted, the duress was debilitating. The staff urged me to quickly finish my paperwork so that the procedure could take place.”
This is a common scenario. There is little time to consider what is happening; what will happen to the bodies of the mother and her baby. This is why a 48 hour waiting period between the consultation and procedure can be so key.
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign shares important
details regarding the lack of disclosure a woman experiences during the procedure that can result in having her baby’s body parts harvested.
The issue of abortion is being danced around by media as this body part debacle unfolds. As all unravels, we will discover that there are heinous tentacles from a three-headed
monster that are at the core of the assault on humanity.
It won’t be the media who helps heal the hearts and wombs of women. It will be prayer; as we see in this impassioned
plea from a young woman.
Let us pray for strength as truth crushed to earth rises again. Pray for America.
Dr. Alveda C. King grew up in the civil rights movement led by her uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She is a pastoral associate and director of African-American outreach for Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries. Her family home in Birmingham, Ala., was bombed, as was her father’s church office in Louisville, Ky. Alveda herself was jailed during the open housing movement. Read more reports from Dr. Alveda C. King — Click Here Now.