Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion—Words Meant to Deceive

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By Tuesday, 06 July 2021 11:40 AM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

Whenever I see these words—diversity, equity, and inclusion—I want to throw up.

In their original context, they are magnificent words.

Unfortunately, the Left has distorted their meaning to signify the complete opposite of the established definitions.

The Democratic Party is misusing them to create division, hatred, and exclusion.

The most successful accomplishment of the Democrats is what author Mark Levin calls the “balkanization” of society. Using their perverted version of diversity, the Democratic Party—under the leadership of Obama—fomented division and hatred after promising just the opposite.

Instead of making everyone feel they are part of a unified American social structure, the Obama presidency played into the leftist strategy of “divide and conquer.” Obama’s destructive vision is coming into full bloom under the Biden/Harris administration.

The Left’s objective, Levin says, is to “collapse the existing society” by dividing the people against themselves.

Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama explains diversity in terms of vote getting: “It’s a part of the Democratic Party’s campaign strategy to divide Americans based on skin pigmentation and to try to collect the votes of everybody who is a non-white.”

To progressives, diversity has nothing to do with equality as defined by Dr. Martin Luther King.

The Left’s version of diversity means that we must give special privileges to certain protected classes of people—people of color, LGBTQ, women—so they can acquire control over the system at the expense of the majority, which at the moment happens to be white.

I call this the “tyranny of the minority.”

Ironically, where you have obedience to diversity, there is no diversity of thought. People who demand attention to diversity really are against viewpoint diversity, also known as free speech.

Diversity means “it is great to look different as long as you think the way I do.” Diversity is completely at odds with American values.

When you look behind the curtain, diversity and inclusion are discriminatory and exclusionary. The basis for diversity policy is that certain groups are encouraged to identify themselves as victims of white people.

According to African-American author Thomas Sowell, people on the Left like to say, “I am a victim. Therefore, if you do not give in to my demands … you are a hate-filled, evil person.”

My generation of Americans was taught that we should aim for equality. Equal treatment under the law.

Equality of opportunity. A colorblind society.

That's what Martin Luther King preached—judge people based on their character, not on their skin color.

Well guess what—things have changed. Now the "woke" crowd says the hell with equality, what we really need is equity.

What is equity? The objective of equity is not equality of opportunity, but rather equality of outcome. Everyone should have the same income, job success, house, neighborhood, etc.

In an equitable world, equal justice under the law is anathema. The law must treat people differently. “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination,” argues Ibram X. Kendi in his racist book, How to Be an Anti-Racist.

We must give minorities, especially blacks, special treatment in order to even up the scales and compensate for past injustices.

For equity to be achieved, skin color must determine everything. The right kind of skin color is black and brown, according to leftists.

White is the wrong color, in their view. In case you didn't know, that's what your kids are being taught in public schools and elite universities like Harvard, Yale, and Stanford. Yes, that's what the next generation of Americans is learning.

The New York Times has posted Bret Stephens’ latest column, titled “The New Racism Won’t Solve the Old Racism.”

Stephens writes that the drive for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) “is insulting to everyone who still believes we should be judged by the content of our character.”

Stephens argues that DEI violates the morality of most Americans by redefining of the word equity—which in common English means the quality of being fair and impartial—to mean something closer to the opposite.

"It shouldn’t be hard to see that trying to solve the old racism with the new racism will produce only more racism,” Stephens concludes. “Justice is never achieved by turning tables.”

The campaign for equity has spawned an inquisition against white people. Never in my wildest dreams did I foresee this.

Critical race theory, the child of equity, is unapologetically anti-white. An example is provided courtesy of the City of Seattle, which has inaugurated a segregated training session for white city employees to train them to “undo their whiteness” and affirm their “complicity in racism.”

Can you imagine if Seattle required all black employees to undo their blackness?

Students in schools across the country are being coerced to confess that they are flawed if they happen to be white. "Being white carries so much of a social stigma that it results in job discrimination and more,” writes Robert Spencer in PJMedia. “Today, to be white is to be evil."

Are you ready to apologize for your skin color and surrender everything you've worked for to other people based solely on their skin color? You better. . .or else the cancel culture will be coming for you.

Everything today is being measured in terms of race, for the left. 

Sadly, it means the subversion of cherished American values. That makes me sick to my stomach.

Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator, negotiation expert, and author of eight books including "Tyranny of the Minority: How the Left is Destroying America" and "Trump's Turn: Winning the New Civil War." He is a former U.S. Marine officer, Fortune 500 sales executive and Hollywood movie actor. Read Ed Brodow's Reports — More Here

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Everything today is being measured in terms of race, for the left. That makes me sick to my stomach.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Tuesday, 06 July 2021 11:40 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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