Arthritis is the umbrella term for more than 100 rheumatic diseases that adversely affect joints, connective tissue and soft tissue. The disease causes inflammation, pain and destruction in the joints and can eventually cause limited mobility. However, there are a number of treatments available to help reduce the severity of arthritis symptoms and researchers are continuing to explore new ways to manage the disease.
According to Clinical Research, 175 million people worldwide have arthritic disease, 50 million of which are in the United States. Unless medical science is able to change the course of the disease, it is predicted that by 2030, 67 million adults in the U.S. will have some form of arthritis.
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Approximately three times as many women as men are affected by arthritis and here are five symptoms women should never ignore:
1. Swelling and stiffness in a joint:
According to Arthritis Today, "Swelling may occur for two key reasons. Either the lining of the joint, known as the synovium, swells (synovitis) or the synovial fluid increases in volume (an effusion)." If the swelling occurs in the morning, it may be from inflammatory arthritis. If the swelling occurs primarily after exercise, it may be a symptom of osteoarthritis and a sign that joints are beginning to fail.
2. Joint pain: Generally, arthritic joint pain will come and go and can be made worse by specific activities. For example, arthritis in the hand may worsen after gripping tools or carrying heavy items.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, "As the disease advances, the pain becomes more constant, even occurring at rest. The pain changes from a dull ache to a sharp pain, which sometimes extends beyond the joint area."
3. Redness, heat and swelling: Arthritic joints can become hot and painful to the touch.
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4. Deformity in bone structure: Small bumps of bone, called bone spurs, are symptoms of arthritis in finger joints. If the bone spur is on the last joint, it is called a Heberden's node. If the spur is location on the middle joint, a Bouchard's node.
5. Chronic fatigue:
According to Caring, a senior care organization, fatigue and flu-like symptoms can be an early symptom of arthritis. Caring states early warning signs to look for include, "Chronic tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss, anemia, and/or fever that persists for weeks (longer than a bout of flu). Some combination of these symptoms usually appears, along with stiffness and pain. You might even notice changes in nonjoint tissue, such as eyes that feel dry and sore and may be red. These symptoms can come on gradually or suddenly."
This article is for information only and is not intended as medical advice. Talk with your doctor about your specific health and medical needs.
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