Here are some tips that will help you deal with someone with avoidant personality disorder:
- Learn everything you possibly can about avoidant personality disorder. This allows you to know the symptoms of the disorder and what behaviors to expect. You can be better prepared to help when this is the case.
- Support the person suffering from the disorder, but don't put them before your own needs. In order to help someone with avoidant personality disorder, you must be physically and mentally prepared. This can only be done if you look after your own needs. They need to understand that this is a priority.
- Find a therapist who specializes in helping family members of people suffering from a personality disorder. The therapist will be able to walk you through coping techniques that may be used and ways you can help the patient. He or she will also be able to understand what you are experiencing.
- Find a support group to join. By talking to others in your situation, you will receive peace of mind and validation that you are not to blame for the behaviors of the person who has the disorder. This will also allow you to relieve some of the tension of living with the person and make you better able to deal with living with them. As with therapy, you will also learn new ways to help the patient.
- Don't take the situation personally. Although the person with avoidant personality disorder likely won't have relationships outside of the family, they want to. Due to his inability to do so, they may take their fear and frustration out on you. Use coping techniques when you find yourself in this situation.
- Don't try to fix the other person. Be accepting. Don't let him take over your life though. Set boundaries and enforce them at all times.
- By following these tips, you will help the person suffering from avoidant personality disorder. You can be there in times of need without becoming overwhelmed. This allows you to help more than if you are stressed and run down.