Do you have a newborn baby or a toddler and you are not sure if it is safe to go for a walk? Well, put those fears aside, it is perfectly safe and healthy to take your newborn or toddler for a walk.
Babies enjoy walks just as much as we do. There are many benefits to taking your baby outdoors for a walk. Even a walk around the block can be a fantastic trip for your baby. Toddlers and young children can walk much further than most adults expect. It is important to keep an eye on what they pick up and put in their mouth along the way. Walks give them endless possibilities and stimulate their minds. So, put on your walking shoes and enjoy the outdoors with your child.
Some of the benefits of walking outdoors with your baby include:
- Walking outside gives your baby an opportunity to explore the world. Every sight, sound, and smell provides the baby with valuable experiences and learning. Different seasons provide different opportunities for the baby. The changing color of the trees, the different flowers and birds that can be seen, even the differences in warmth and coolness that the baby experiences. Rain, snow, sunshine all have a role to play in the baby’s learning.
- Walking outdoors provides an excellent opportunity for the social development of the child. Meeting people, greeting strangers, smiling at passersbys, speaking to shop keepers on the way, all of these teach the baby not only speech patterns but also how to interact with other people.
- As with adults, you will find that your baby sleeps much better after a walk, even if you have been doing the walking and the baby was carried around or pushed in a stroller. Being outdoors and breathing in the fresh air provides a wonderful sense of relaxation and calmness. In fact, if your baby is being fussy before their afternoon nap or sleep time at night, take them for a quick walk around the block or to the nearest shop where you can do some quick shopping. If your neighborhood is not conducive to night strolls, then go to the roof top and walk around a bit.
- Early-morning walks provide an excellent source of vitamin D from exposure to the sun, and as few as fifteen minutes a day can make a world of difference to the child. Ensure that the walk is taken before it gets too hot and that the child is wearing cool cotton clothes.
- Mothers find that children who are taken for a walk tend to have fewer tantrums and mood swings. Babies who go often for walks tend to be happier and more cheerful than children who spend a large amount of time indoors.