Cancer symptoms are often times difficult to detect, but it's extremely important, especially for men, to stay up-to-date with doctor visits and yearly check-ups. If some symptoms are ignored, early cancer detection could be missed causing serious health consequences in the future.
Here are 12 symptoms men should never ignore:
1. Urinary problems might arise as you age. However,
according to Healthline, certain changes could indicate prostate cancer. Symptoms include incontinence and leaks, straining while urinating, delayed urination and an inability to urinate when urges occur. Blood in the urine also warns you of possible cancer.
Special: Suzanne Somers Found the Doctors Curing Cancer. Watch Video.
2. Bowel changes can warn you of colon or rectal cancer. Signs include frequent constipation or diarrhea, especially if you notice sudden changes. Frequent gas or abdominal pain may accompany the symptoms. Blood in the stool and rectal bleeding may indicate rectal cancer.
3. Lumps in the testicles warn of possible testicular cancer. Changes in the size of the testicles, swelling or a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum are also warning signs,
4. Changes to moles or spots on your skin warn you of a potential skin cancer. Watch for changes in size, shape or color, as well as the development of new spots or moles that look unusual.
5. According to WebMD, Swollen lymph nodes occur as your immune system fights off ailments such as colds or sore throat, but they may also indicate certain cancers. Lymph nodes are small glands found in the armpits, neck and other areas of the body.
6. Difficulty swallowing can warn of throat, esophageal or gastrointestinal cancers if it's a persistent problem. Losing weight or vomiting may also occur.
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7. Significant weight loss if you haven't changed your diet or physical activities could signal cancer of the lungs, stomach or pancreas. See your doctor if you've lost 10 pounds or more without changing your eating habits.
8. A fever that doesn't go away could signal leukemia or other blood cancers. Fevers result from immunities fighting infection, but run their course. If a fever persists, go see your doctor.
9. Fatigue can be related to a number of chronic illnesses and medical disorders, says Healthline. It's your body telling you to slow down. It could also warn you of cancer, particularly colorectal cancers in men. If feeling tired doesn't go away after a good night's sleep, see a medical professional.
10. Persistent coughing warns of lung cancer when not related to a virus, especially if it is accompanied by blood in the mucus.
11. Abdominal pain indicates pancreatic cancer when associated with depression. Yellowing of the eyes and skin may occur, as well.
12. Frequent indigestion suggests a variety of problems, but severe problems could signal cancer symptoms for men in the stomach, esophagus or throat.
This article is for information only and is not intended as medical advice. Talk with your doctor about your specific health and medical needs.
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