There are a variety of Christian denominations in the world today. They came into existence due in part to a conflict of issues that were perceived with biblical interpretations and practices. When taking Lutheranism and Calvinism beliefs into consideration, there are some glaring differences in the two sects of the Protestant Reformation.
Here are five ways that Lutheranism differs from Calvinism.
1. Different branches of Christianity started not because there was a deciding council that divided the religion up, but mostly because there were individuals who disagreed with some teachings.
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Monk and theologian Martin Luther started Lutheranism as a protest against practices of the Catholic church, while the founder of the reformed theology movement known as Calvinism was John Calvin, a French theologian and son of an attorney.
2. Lutheranism has one of the largest followings of any Christian Protestant church denomination.
According to the Lutheran World Federation, the Lutheran identity is tied to being “evangelical, sacramental, diaconal, confessional, and ecumenical.”
The identity of a Calvinist is based on Christian ecclesiology, baptism of infants, and the five points of Calvinism of the TULIP doctrine, among other things.
The Calvinist Corner defines TULIP as (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints).
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3. In observing the Holy Eucharist, the sacrement that began at the Last Supper, Lutherans have faith in the belief that the blood and body of Jesus Christ are physically present in the wine and bread during Holy Communion, whereas Calvinists maintain that Christ exists within the elements in spiritual form while he physically remains with the Heavenly Father.
4. Lutherans teach that salvation is possible for anyone through faith whereas Calvinists place high importance on the belief that only the people who are predestined by God can achieve salvation.
5. Lutheranism teaches that people have the ability to control certain facets of their lives while Calvinism believe that God has complete sovereignty over humanity and there is nothing that people can do nothing to change what happens.
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