When the immune system doesn't work properly, immune system diseases can result. The immune system is made up of organs, tissues and cells that are supposed to work together and communicate to protect the body from infection.
Here are 11 immune system diseases and what they do to your body.
1. Asthma is caused when the immune system produces inflammation and fluid in the airways in response to triggers like allergens or exercise.
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2. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system sends antibodies to attach to the linings of joints, where immune cells attack and cause swelling and pain. Untreated RA causes permanent joint damage,
according to WebMD.
3. Lupus happens when autoimmune antibodies attach to tissues including joints, lungs, blood cells, nerves, and kidneys. Daily oral prednisone can calm the immune system down during flareups.
4. Chronic myeloid leukemia occurs when the body makes white blood cells that don’t protect against infection, as well as a shortage of red cells (anemia) and platelets. Symptoms include bruising and bleeding easily, tiredness, and shortness of breath, as well as susceptibility to infection,
according to the American Cancer Society.
5. Inflammatory bowel disease is caused when the immune system attacks the intestinal lining. The result is abdominal pain, diarrhea, urgent bowel movements, rectal bleeding, fever, and weight loss.
6. Multiple sclerosis occurs when the immune system goes after nerve cells, causing pain, weakness, poor coordination, muscle spasms, and blindness.
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7. Diabetes mellitus (type 1) is diagnosed when the target of immune system antibodies is insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
8. Guillain-Barre syndrome causes severe weakness in the legs and sometimes the arms and upper body as immune cells attack nerves.
9. Celiac disease occurs when the immune system damages the small intestine when someone eats gluten. Physical symptoms do not always occur.
10. Psoriasis results from a problem in your immune system causing rapid cell turnover that presents as skin rashes and flaking skin.
11. Vasculitis happens when the immune system attacks blood vessels and damages them. These attacks can affect any organ, causing symptoms anywhere in the body.
If you think you may have any of these immune system diseases, talk to your doctor about diagnosis and treatment options.
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