Understanding how to survive a tornado starts with recognizing the signs of the approaching storm. This helps you to seek safety ahead of time if you happen to get caught outside.
Indications of a tornado include persistent rotation in a cloud and whirling dust or debris under the cloud base,
according to the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma. A loud roar or rumble that continues longer than thunder also warns of a tornado.
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Signs at night include bright, blue-green, or white flashes at ground level near the thunderstorm or a persistent lowering of a cloud base highlighted by lightning.
When a tornado touches ground while you are in a vehicle, you might have to seek shelter outside to survive a tornado. A tornado can flip a car or truck. Don’t attempt to outrun a tornado while in a vehicle,
warns the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
You need to seek shelter in a sturdy building, but avoid going under bridges that don’t offer full protection against flying debris.
If getting out of the car is not possible during an approaching tornado, park the vehicle as soon as possible away from traffic. Keep the seat belt on and lower your head below the windows, covering your head with your hands, blankets, or anything that cushions the head.
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When caught outside during a tornado, finding a sturdy building or underground structure if possible is essential. If that’s not possible, lie flat and face down on low ground and protect the back of your head with your arms, the Storm Prediction Center advises. Try to stay away from cars and trees.
Staying in a mobile home during a tornado is also dangerous. Residents might have to flee the home and lie flat in nearby ditches, ravines, or culverts while covering their heads.
Knowing how to survive a tornado largely depends on your whereabouts and preparedness, so always be aware of your surroundings if tornadoes are near.
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