The state of Hawaii defines an invasive species as one that’s not native to the state and that poses a threat to public health, to the environment, or to the economy. These species, both plant and animal, can harm native species and the entire ecosystem, and hunters need to be conscious of the rules surrounding this topic.
The state created the Hawaii Invasive Species Council, a collaboration between several state agencies, to coordinate efforts in education and regulation of invasive species.
While Hawaii does not have an official designation for invasive species, it does maintain a list of those it considers a threat. Most of these are not typical game animals, so the state doesn’t have hunting laws in place for them.
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However, it does ban the possession of many of them, which you should know before you consider bagging one while hunting in Hawaii. In fact, rather than hunt these animals, in many cases you should instead report the sighting to state authorities.
The following species are considered invasive and should be avoided when hunting in Hawaii:
1. Mongoose
The Hawaii Invasive Species Council estimates that the mongoose, introduced in 1883 to control the rat population, has caused an estimated $50 million in damage to Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The mongoose did not impact the rodent population as hoped because it is most active during the day while rats are primarily nocturnal.
In addition, it preys on small birds, mammals, and other species, and poses a significant risk to some of the state’s endangered animals. It’s illegal to own one without a permit.
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2. Red-Whiskered Bulbul
These small birds were originally brought to Hawaii as pets and escaped or were illegally released in the 1960s. This bird threatens agriculture and facilitates the spread of invasive plant species.
In addition, it’s aggressive with native bird species and might threaten access to food and habitat. If you spot one, report it to a state agency such as the Hawaii Department of Agriculture or the Invasive Species Council.
3. Red-Vented Bulbul
Much like the red-whiskered bulbul, this small bird competes with local bird species and spreads the seeds of invasive plants. It's estimated to cause $300,000 in damages to orchids per year on the island of Oahu. All sightings should be reported to the appropriate state agency.
This article is for information only. Please check current regulations before hunting.
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