Landowners who allow hunting on their land or wish to hunt on their land are subject to the same laws that apply on state owned land. The majority of good hunting land in the Pelican State is under private ownership, and demand to hunt on it is high. For landowners, the enjoyment on hunting on their own property is a big plus and many people invite friends or family to enjoy the great shooting during the open season.
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Here are 4 things for landowners in Louisiana to know about hunting on their property:
1. Permissions
Landowners must give permission to hunters for hunting on their land. They are not under any obligation to give permission, though hunting is a great way for controlling stock. If permission hasn’t been granted, the landowner can ask the hunter to leave and if they feel threatened the sheriff must be called to remove people hunting unlawfully.
2. The Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP)
The DMAP program is run by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) and exists to help private landowners to control and mange the herds of deer on their property. The program gives owners advice and tags for the annual hunt of deer across their land. A private land biologist can be provided by the state to give help and be on call for the landowner during deer season. All hunters of deer on private land must be in possession of a valid license with them when hunting and must respect the seasons as decided by the LDWF.
3. Habitat Management and Breeding
The state of Louisiana runs the Private Lands Program to assist landowners in the management of all breeds of hunting stock and in the cultivation of suitable habitats. The state appointed biologist will work with the landowners in the management of stock such as quail, turkey, duck, deer, and others, advising on numbers to be taken during a season and where protection of females or males is necessary. Protection and development of suitable habitats so that a stock of wildlife may prosper is of particular importance to the biologist, and they will advise the landowner on what steps to take to encourage breeding. Use of the biologist is free to all landowners.
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4. Control of Nuisance Animals
When a farmer or general landowner has problems with nuisance animals hunting is a great option for their removal. Nuisance animals such as nutria, beaver, raccoon, coyote, opossum, and feral pigs may hunted throughout the year on private land. All hunters on private land must be in possession of valid permits and must obey the bag limits as
imposed by the LDWF, but there is no requirement for permit if beaver or nutria is causing long-term damage on the property. Nighttime hunting of nuisance animals is allowed, from the last day of February to the last day of August.
This article is for information only. Please check current regulations before hunting.
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