When it comes to investing your money, you can do it the informed way or the uninformed way. Try the latter and you just might end up penniless and regretting every investing decision you ever made. However, if you want to know the five best ways to invest, then read on.
1. Real Estate. You know that old saying that they aren't making any new dirt these days. While this may be overly simplistic, it is, on a certain level, true. Investing in real estate has proven to be a big money maker for many people. The real estate market doesn't move with other markets like the stock, currency, or commodities markets. In fact, real estate markets don't even move with other real estate markets. However, investing a portion of your portfolio in real estate may be a wise diversification move.
Bonds. Bonds can be a very good, under the radar type of investment. Basically, when you invest in bonds, you are investing in the growth of a country. While there are many schools of thought that surround maximizing investing in bonds, perhaps the best advice is to look for a country in an economic downturn or one that is on the verge of real growth. In either case, the bonds will typically be low in price and when you invest you will be in position to profit when growth happens.
3. Stock funds. Tracking individual stocks may work some of the time, but what you will want in an investment portfolio are investments that perform. That is why it is recommended that you invest in stock funds. Since these funds are made up of many different stocks from several different industry sectors, a poorly performing stock can often be absorbed by other better performing stocks in the stock fund. This typically leads to steadier growth out of the capital you invest.
4. U.S. Stocks. It is true that the U.S. stock market is the benchmark for stock profitability, so in order to diversify your investment portfolio you need to invest in U.S. stock. However, with so many U.S. companies doing as much business internationally as domestically, not only will your U.S stock investment represent a domestic position, it will also mean a fair bit of international investments as well.
5. Currency. This is perhaps the hottest form of investing because it is easy for small investors to invest in a short term trading process where they can see profits rather quickly. The currency market can change radically so your positions won't usually be long in nature, but with its profitability and trading leverage, currency is an excellent investment in manageable portions.