Men over 40 often have prostate stones and don't even know it.
According to WebMD, in some men, infected prostate stones may cause recurrent urinary tract infection and make it difficult to cure bacterial prostatitis. The stones may have to be removed with surgery before either of those problems can be resolved.
Here are six things you should know about prostate stones:
1. Prostate stones are common in men over 40 years old and are most common in men ages 50 to 65.
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2. Prostate stones usually don't cause symptoms but may grow large enough to bring about pain and muscle cramps around the lower abdomen and groin area. Prostate stones symptoms tend to be similar to symptoms for an enlarged prostate, and mainly involve issues with urination such as difficulties in emptying the bladder, frequently urinating and experiencing a burning sensation while urinating.
3. Prostate stones are usually tiny — about the size of poppy seeds, according to WebMD. Their small size is one reason they aren't always apparent during a rectal exam or on X-rays. The stones are often discovered accidentally during examinations related to other problems of the prostate or rectum.
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4. According to, prostate stones form when secretions of the prostate cannot get out of the gland because of the disarray of the architecture of the ducts due to benign prostatic hypertrophy, which is an almost universal growth of the prostate in men as they age. Physicians think those secretions dry out or form into a round body that's much like a pearl in an oyster, then become calcified.
5. The only solution to get rid of prostate stones is through surgery. To date, there is no treatment for prostate stones through medically prescribed drugs.
6. Prostate stones are not associated with cancer in any way.
This article is for information only and is not intended as medical advice. Talk with your doctor about your specific health and medical needs.
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