Subscribers to the smokers email news alerts are opt-in online readers who are seeking information about how to quit smoking and the latest information on e-cigarettes. They are also interested in information on nicotine patches and other anti-addiction drugs.
Readers are interested in overcoming nicotine addiction and reducing the risk of cancer.
These readers regularly turn to and seeking the latest in medical studies, breakthroughs, cures, nutrition, conventional and integrative medicine in gaining the ability to quit smoking.
These are affluent (41% with $500k+ net worth), information-seeking consumers who respond well to health, pharmaceutical, vitamin, supplement, diet, fitness, and other offers.
These subscribers also read, WebMD,, Prevention Magazine, Life Extension Magazine, Men’s Health Magazine, Arthritis Today, Health Magazine, and Women’s Health Magazine.
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Key Demographics:
57% male, 43% female
67% 45 years or older
63% responded to Newsmax Health advertisement
81% purchased vitamin, supplement, health product in last year online
30% spent more than $1,000 in online purchases in past 12 months
75% more likely to spend heavily on medications
Summary Description:
Smokers Email News Alerts want the latest information on how to quit smoking, the prevention of cancer, and treatments for nicotine addiction. List is highly responsive to pharmaceutical, nutritional, and lifestyle offers. Medical writers for and related newsletters include medical doctors including Mehmet Oz, Michael Roizen, Chauncey Crandall, Russell Blaylock, and David Brownstein
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