Evangelist Pat Robertson has established a long history of giving hope to his followers through his roles as a broadcaster, philanthropist, educator, religious leader, businessman, and author.
As the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Regent University, and Operational Blessing International Relief and Development Corp., Robertson has inspired many people around the world.
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Here are four statements from Robertson related to hope:
1.In Robertson's book "Miracles Can Be Yours Today," the evangelist talked about how faith could be a powerful tool in delivering hope. "Faith is the title deed to the hopes and dreams that God has placed on our hearts. Inside each one of us who know Him is a destiny and all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities that accompany that destiny. … Faith, according to the Bible, is not just a title deed to what we hope for, it is also the 'evidence of things not seen.'"
2. On "The 700 Club,” Robertson answers questions from viewers. He educated a listener on praying to God in hopes to receive possessions or money, such as winning the lottery. "It's not a false hope to hope that God will hear your prayer and let you win. But the whole premise is wrong. That's not the way you get possessions in this world. There is a way. I wrote about it in my book, 'The Secret Kingdom.' It's the law of use. You use what's there, and more grows. You do more and more and more of the same thing. You give and you sow and you reap and you plant and so forth. But hoping that you'll hit the lottery or get a dream home on a draw, on a thing is false hope. And it's not that the Lord won't do it for you. It's just that I think you’re building yourself up for a fall and then you can blame the Lord."
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3. In a heartbreaking question from a Navy sailor who told Robertson his young wife left him after learning he sustained a spinal injury while serving and is now confided to a wheelchair, Robertson said there is always hope in his future through God's goodness. "Now, it may be that God in His goodness will heal you of this condition, and you'll get out of the wheelchair. If not, He may bring somebody else into your life that'll take care of you. But don't let this thing eat you up. Forgive her, and then get on with your life."
4. Robertson talked about the power of trust in God that can give hope, while addressing a "700 Club" viewer whose family lost their home and possessions during Hurricane Katrina. "I think it's a question of trust but there is an inner peace. The world around you may be in chaos, and if you focus on the chaos, you'll never have peace. … If we focus in on the Lord Himself, we focus in on the law of God, and we rest in Him, then that peace will begin to come."
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