Having trouble sleeping? Counting sheep just doesn’t work for you? Here are some simple tips that might help even insomniacs get a good night's sleep:
1) Exercise: Studies show that those who work out sleep better than those who don’t. Intense exercise tires you out ensuring a good night's sleep. However, make sure there’s a gap of at least 3 to 4 hours between your exercise routine and bedtime.
2) Keep it clean: It has been scientifically proven that clean surroundings, a comfortable mattress, and crisp sheets help you snooze peacefully. Avoid soft mattresses – they can cause back and neck problems, especially if you already suffer from problems like spondylitis. And keep the windows open for good ventilation. A stuffy room can lead to breathing and sleep problems.
3) Steer clear of smoking and drinking: The most common factors that keep men sleep-deprived are smoking (or consuming anything that has high nicotine content) and alcohol.
4) Good sex: While women like to cuddle or talk after sex, men like to doze off. That’s because they are tired and sex helps them relax. The act of sex and orgasm releases feel-good endorphins that lead to a feeling of wellbeing and peace.
5) Read a Book: If all of the above methods do not work, try reading a book. It might just result in the perfect sleep you’ve been longing for.