One of the most popular shooting sports today is what's known as the three gun competition. It is the fastest growing shooting sport in the United States.
As the name implies, competitors use three guns to compete: the modern sporting rifle, also known as the AR15, a handgun and a shotgun. Different courses of fire are set up, requiring a different firearm for each.
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Shooters move from course to course completing the required action for each stage in the match. Targets vary for each course, depending upon each particular event and who is hosting it.
At different times throughout the competition, you will be firing at paper targets, steel targets and sometimes even clay targets. Because there is a lot going on in a three gun competition, it is important to train regularly.
When shooting at a gun range, it's not often that sports shooters do much more than stand and shoot at paper targets, particularly at an indoor range. But training under pressure, for example a local range or IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) match, is an excellent way to train under the stress of a timer to prepare for a three gun event.
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Regular practice with all three guns, and going back to the basic fundamentals of shooting helps sharpen those skills.
An often overlooked practice session and one that won't cost you the ammo is to become proficient and fast at reloading your shotgun. With both handguns and rifles, you have the advantage of preloaded magazines, but with a shotgun, you have to insert one shell at a time. This can often become a clumsy affair, especially when seconds matter.
Lastly, signing up and shooting as a three gun competitor is the best practice you can get for all the other three gun competitions in your future.
This article does not constitute legal advice. Check the current gun laws before purchasing or traveling with a firearm.
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