New York freshman lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fired back at JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon for criticizing her Green New Deal, saying JPMorgan “maybe” wasn’t the “best authority on prioritizing economic wellbeing of everyday people & the planet” following its 2013 settlement with the Justice Department for misleading investors about securities containing toxic mortgages.
"JP Morgan agreed to pay out *$13 billion* over its massive role in mortgage schemes w the ‘08 recession," Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter Wednesday afternoon. "They also finance major fossil fuel pipelines. It’s big money."
Dimon on Tuesday told CNN he wasn’t concerned about the Green New Deal as he doesn’t spend much time “worrying about things that I can’t effectuate. Can you focus on climate change in an intelligent way that doesn’t damage the economy? Yes, you can. It’s called CO2 emission taxes, or trading, there’s couple of ways to do it. So you better do it wisely because you could hurt the economy, which hurts everybody.”
AOC’s proposal, which was also crafted by Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., says it will pay attention to groups like the poor, disabled, and minority communities that could be disproportionately affected by massive economic transitions. The deal sets goals for some drastic measures to cut carbon emissions across the economy and aims to create jobs.