Is voting by mail a hotbed for voter fraud?
You vote, you seal it, you drop it in the mail.
Some say this is what we need to do in this covid environment while others (including our president ) think this is the worst idea since the Pet Rock.
There are existing rights to vote by mail in dozens of states across the nation. Indeed this offers a safe way to vote during the current pandemic — or does it?
It's worth noting that there have been reports of swollen data-bases of voter fraud in America; and who could forget that the 2018 congressional race in North Carolina was overturned by the state election board, or that the mayor of Gordon, Alabama was removed from office after being convicted of absentee ballot fraud.
We've all gotten those pesky pieces of mail that we deem junk and getting off those lists is a pain to say the least.
So exactly how do we control what gets carried by the USPS, landing in our mailboxes?
The real question should be, "Do we want to put our vote for the president of the United States in the hands of the Postal Service?" The USPS traces traces its origins to 1775, so that seems like it would be a stable way to get our vote counted.
No matter the method, we should all remember the number one rule --- exercise your right to vote!
George Noory hosts the nationally syndicated radio program, Coast to Coast AM, heard by more than 10 million listeners on nearly 620 stations and ranked in the Top 12 largest U.S. audiences by Talkers Magazine. Captivating program listeners with his discussions of all things curious and unexplained, George has a unique roster of fascinating guests ranging from scientists to conspiracy theorists, in his quest for truth, fueled by his desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. Born, raised, and educated in Detroit, George served nine years in the U.S. Naval Reserve and has three children and six grandchildren. Read George Noory's Reports — More Here.